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so then the remaining performance-critical case is where you have a big array of floats you're looping over. in firefox that works fine (one allocation per lowest-level array, not one allocation and unprefetchable pointer dereference per float), but maybe in chrome you'd want to use a typedarray?

As I understand it, V8 keeps track of an ElementsKind for each array (or, more precisely, for the elements of every object; arrays are not special in this sense). If an array only contains floats, then they will all be stored unboxed and inline. See here: https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/main:v8/...

I assume that integers are coerced to floats in this mode, and that there's a performance cliff if you store a non-number in such an array, but in both cases I'm just guessing.

In SpiderMonkey, as you say, we store all our values as doubles, and disguise the non-float values as NaNs.

thank you for the correction!

Maybe, at that point it is basically similar to the struct-of-arrays vs array-of-structs trade-off, except with significantly worse ergonomics and less pay-off.

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