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If we had sufficient numbers, sure, that'd be a great way to go. But as it is with almost no one caring\learning about technical\political issues like those involved in this.... I just can't see it working. The problem isn't the technology... it's the people. And that's a hard problem indeed to fix.

If it wasn't hard it would have already been done. It's time we had a "healthy disregard for the impossible" and get to work fixing the people problem.

Ghandi was one man (albeit a great man), yet he alone changed a country, and the world. We are already a community strong, and a community of leaders and visionaries at that. There's no reason we can't do as ajkirwin suggests and build our own protocols, systems, and infrastructure.

We are the future, and its our chance to make the world as we want to make it.

Let's get to work.

I guess I'm just outpouring all the frustration and rage I've felt whenever people turn to focus on all the cool shiny technology related to a problem.... when the problem at it's core is social. For just a moment, forget protecting yourself with technology! What would have happened if the Hollings Bill had passed? http://www.wired.com/politics/law/news/2002/03/51275 Anyone continuing to produce "free" technology would have a heavy hammer dropped on them... and a similar bill could easily pass in the near future, probably with some explanation they need it to fight terrorism.

Yeah, we need free technologies. Guess what, we have them! What we need to do is retain the right to develop, possess, and use them! And as distasteful as is, that's a political fight. So, uh, yeah..... forgive me if I'm over reacting.... but I really don't think I am....

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