Love this! Looks nice (I can't design it), works smoothly. Kudos on you for building something simple and just getting it out there.
Universe knows, there are many bells and whistles you could have tacked on, possibly dooming this project to stay in the "project shelf" for a much longer time.
What's your story on starting this? Needed the tool yourself and couldn't find anything that worked for you, was trying to learn new tools, lost a bet?
> Universe knows, there are many bells and whistles you could have tacked on, possibly dooming this project to stay in the "project shelf" for a much longer time.
If you click on the logo, it shows placeholders for many other time related tools the author has plans to implement like a meeting planner, scheduler, calendar and pomodoro timer etc. I'm happy that they took the MVP approach instead of waiting long to launch that perfect suite.
Universe knows, there are many bells and whistles you could have tacked on, possibly dooming this project to stay in the "project shelf" for a much longer time.
What's your story on starting this? Needed the tool yourself and couldn't find anything that worked for you, was trying to learn new tools, lost a bet?