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Rethinking Programming Language Tutorials (dadgum.com)
74 points by Garbage on April 25, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 48 comments

Not all tutorials are aimed for people that know nothing about programming. Many are intended for an audience that knows programming in a different language quite well but doesn't know a lot (or nothing) about the new language (in this case Lua).

For this kind of people it would be a waste of space to bring lots of "practical" examples, if this doesn't show a unique feature of the language, since people often know the algorithms quite well. If you want to learn about that you better get a tutorial/book about algorithms.

What they don't know is the topics that are specific to the programming language. IMHO it is right that many tutorials concentrate on this.

Spot on. There is a difference between "Programming language X tutorial" and "Programming tutorial using language X". The former being for someone who wants to learn a new language (but probably knows some programming) while the latter is for people learning their first language.

This article seems to suggest that programming language tutorials should always be targeted at people with zero knowledge about programming or computer science. And he also seems to suggest that all readers are assumed idiots.

In the OP's view, the description of associative arrays as a primary data structure in Lua is not important. This depends a lot on the audience. For me the description about associative arrays was very important, since I want to know how the Lua interpreter works (esp. important for Lua since it's often used as an embedded language).

Same thing goes for the OP's complaint about Haskell and laziness. Laziness is a very central concept to Haskell so it makes sense to introduce it early on.

The OP says: "Programming language tutorials shouldn't be about learning languages. They should be about something interesting, and you learn the language in the process." I really disagree on this one. I don't want to spend time going through yet another badly written beginner tutorial if I want to learn a new language.

I agree with your distinction.

However, the paragraph from the Lua manual still shows sloppy technical writing. Terms should be defined before they are used. Using another technical term is not a good description. For example, coming from Python an "associative array" would have to be called a "dictionary". For the Java and C++ programmers it would be a Map. Better:

The table type provides storage of values under certain keys. Lua uses tables to represent ordinary arrays, sets, records, queues, and other data structures, in a uniform way. For example, a table can be used as an array, since it can store arbitrary data under index numbers as keys.

> However, the paragraph from the Lua manual still shows sloppy technical writing.

That may be true, but we just have to live with it. We can't expect every piece of software to be documented properly (or even at all).

> For example, coming from Python an "associative array" would have to be called a "dictionary". For the Java and C++ programmers it would be a Map.

I think the term "associative array" is used here (as well as in PHP docs) because it's distinct from Python-style "dictionaries" or Java/C++ "maps" in that it's the only data structure used in Lua. There's no lists or sets like in Python. I think this is the intent that the manual wanted to portray.

When I look to learn a new language (knowing a few already), there are two things that I want to get out of the tutorial. I want to be presented with syntax and I want to be presented with what constitutes an idiomatic use of the language. If these two points are explained well, I should come away with an idea of the philosophy of the language, as well as tools to avoid common pitfalls. I should also be able to read other people's code in that language. Everything else can be covered by good documentation.

When I was learning to program for the first time, however, all that I wanted was a bunch of short programs that I could type in and make small changes to. It's hard to learn about a language's philosophy when you're spending so much time hunting for missing punctuation. At that point, you're just hoping that your program is going to do something.

With this in mind, I think there's a lot of room for improvement in both camps.

Agreed that tutorials on 'how to program' are and should be different from tutorials about a new language for experienced programmers, but one thing that both should do early on is a complete 'Hello World' example to show the minimum of code and compile/run steps required to run the simplest example. Too many tutorials skip that step and leave many of their readers unable to run the tutorial code at all because the authors haven't bothered to describe how to get a simple program to run. Those are obvious after you've done it once but completely unobvious to the people who read tutorials to learn a new language.

Yes, exactly. We need tutorials for people who are primarily learning to program and are using a language for that, and tutorials for people who already know how to program and are using a language for GST.

I understand where the OP is coming from, but I will go one step further.

If you are teaching programming to someone who has never written a line of code, you need to do away with the programming language all together. When you start out, you are learning two distinctly different things at once:

    * General programming principles; abstract thought patterns.
    * The language it is being taught in, along with all of its oddities and quirks.
These two do not mix very well and can, in some cases, be counter intuitive. I believe that teaching someone to /think like a programmer/ and learning analytical and iterative problem solving are of primary importance. They apply to any language. Once you grasp these, the actual language of choice is considerably less difficult because patterns in the language are immediately familiar.

I'm fairly confident that you can effectively teach someone to /think like a programmer/ without ever showing them a single line of code.

This doesn't work well, in my experience. Non-programmers don't want to program -- they want to get a computer to do something. As a teacher, it's your job to seduce them into programming as a way to get the computer to do what they want it to do.

I learned to program, not because I wanted to program in the abstract, but because my friend's dad showed him how to make a little car drive across the screen, and I wanted to do the same.

I spent hours typing programs in from books, not because I wanted to program, but because I wanted to get 3d shapes moving around.

When I taught programming classes, I'd often digress to talk about some interesting abstract concept -- and immediately lose 90% of the class. Start practical, and enrich from there, as the material becomes relevant.

I came here just to agree with this ... I took Computer Engineering in college, did quite a bit of C++, Assembly programming and Data Structures ... but I really didn't 'get' any of it, even though I could pass tests and ace my finals. It wasn't until I happened on a PHP tutorial that showed how you could post user information to a db and replace a section that once said "login" with "Welcome xxxx" that it all clicked. My brain started to go crazy with possibilities and I immediately started trying to learn EVERYTHING about programming.

I spent hours on Sitepoint, printing out articles and just reading them over and over, and trying them out. (I still have the huge stack of printouts in a section of my home office as a reminder of all the work I put it ... you know ... when I start to doubt myself). I had learned OOP in college but I really didn't get it ... one day I went to Barnes and Noble and spent the whole day reading a Head Start OOP book ... and I 'got' it. I felt like Neo in the Matrix (I know Kung Fu!!!)

The point of the story is ... keep all the boring crap out of the way at first, get beginners excited about building things, that will give them the passion that will carry them through the (necessary) minutae later.

I disagree, I think it's far easier to teach coding by showing easy code examples without going into algorithms or abstractions at all. I'll point to codeacademy, who are doing this very well. People learn really fast with their method, it's working very well. Abstractions are much harder to understand than things you can actually use and see it working.

You just have to avoid the mistakes the article talks about. Which is assuming the reader knows what you're talking about and introduce too many topics at once, forcing him to run in circles trying to understand each one. I think that's the n1 mistake in teaching in general.

Yes. In general as a teacher, I've found that those that love a subject are tempted to teach it by presenting conceptual overviews they arrived at after they actually understood it themselves. They have these "holy shit" moments where whole areas of seemingly disparate ideas converge, and they think that presenting that first will help others get to their level.

But in fact, you have to figure out what will bring people to an understanding (and it differs depending on what type of thinkers they are), not what their understanding will bring them to. Or at least, you can't just do those overarching explanations.

* General programming principles; abstract thought patterns.

* The language it is being taught in, along with all of its oddities and quirks.

That's why some people swear by Scheme for teaching. Simple language that exposes principals, concepts, abstract thought patterns with minimal syntax, oddities, and quirks.

http://www.trollope.org/scheme.html (referenced from http://paulgraham.com/avg.html)

I feel the same about music instruction, except that there is essentially only one language it is written in. I hated music classes as a kid because I hated (still do) they way music is written down. But I found out later in life I have a decent intuition for music and melody. From what I've read of the Suzuki method, that sounds like the absolute best way to do it. Start with the ideas, and only later worry about how they are written and read.

cf. http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3840979 (How To Train Your Robot)

It depends on your intended audience. Although I appreciate the sentiment of learning programming languages by solving practical problems (rather than reading overly abstract descriptions) I don't expect there to be a major change in the way tutorials are made.

Back in the day when java was just being introduced, nearly every tutorial presented it in terms of how it compared to C++ (presence of garbage collection, use of references rather than pointers etc.). This is because languages don't live in isolation, they are part of a larger tradition. Java was created to address certain problems and short-comings of C++ and the target audience was therefore C++ programmers.

Most folks that I know who have become programmers made a concerted decision to accept the discomfort and pain of pushing through the challenge to picking up the nomenclature used by the programming community. I certainly appreciated tutorials that were geared for beginners when I started, but - in the end - simply immersed myself by reading so many different books and tutorials that the short-comings of one were overcome by the other. Terms that were left undefined in one were explained in another. There is certainly some responsibility for the person creating the tutorial to clearly define terms and consider the beginner. There is also the responsibility of the learner to accept their ignorance pursue answers outside of the presentation of an individual tutorial.

You can get it the other way round though. I don't have it to hand, but I found "Programming in Scala" to have such a low content-per-page ratio that it is hard to stay interested. From the contents page:

2. First Steps in Scala 69

3. Next Steps in Scala 82

4. Classes and Objects 104

100 pages and you're only onto classes and objects!

Dive into Python has it right, IMO - show you something, then explain it bit by bit.

I co-authored a book published by Wrox Press a few years ago. Editors specifically tell you to pad as much as you can - the fatter a technical book, the better it sells apparently.

That's an interesting observation. Not long ago I was talking to an editor who thought that books 150-250 pages in length were an ideal sweet spot.

Back when I was young a naive and just starting out this wonderful world of computers, my default stance was, when in doubt buy the thicker of the two books since it must contain more information. I distinctly recall standing in a book store and working out which massive Linux book would give most pages pr dollar.

Now my default stance is, when in doubt, buy the book that's under 300 pages, since if you can't cover you're points in less than 300 pages you're either trying to say way too much or your book is mostly fluff and filler.

Also I imagine the ubiquity of fast internet connections and Google has made the 1200 page "complete reference to everything" type of books more or less obsolete. More and more books these days are "focused expert knowledge in one particular area" which is a lot more suited for the 150-250 page format.

So this is why a lot of Wrox Press look like bricks. Maybe this is OK from a marketing perspective but compare one of this brick books with "The C programming language".

I think Pragmatic Programmers has a better approach at quantity vs quality.

Older, wiser me agrees with you.

We need more interactive programming tutorials. Things such as TryRuby, Codecademy, or VIM Adventures. I've never met anyone who actually enjoyed sifting through static text, trying to make heads or tails of what arrays or void pointers were. That's boring, and really disheartening.

When I was teaching my girlfriend HTML, she had absolutely no interest in what a tag was, or why it even mattered. She could care less about semantics, mobile design, etc. All she wanted was to create something on screen. After having her use the inspect tool from Chrome, she found it more interesting, and could see values changing. This held her attention for a longer period.

Till this day, the best tutorial I've ever read is _why's guide. I've read it several times, because it's super interesting, and extremely entertaining. If more programming tutorials were written this way, I'd be one heck of a developer by now. Why can't authors make their tutorials fun? What's stopping them?

I disagree. Early mentioning "associative arrays" is a problem? I don't think so. Even if reader don't know what they are, he can learn from wikipedia or somewhere else. Why write so many times about basics? Googling is so hard? Sory, I think it's most basic programmer skill - to find information he need.

The same with everything nil and another novice caring stuff. This book is good (I know since I learnt from it), if authors cared about so-novice-people this book would suck so much. Imagine you want use lua for your C program, whant to learn it first and you read what associative array is. I'd be mad.

And I disagree with your point about "practical" examples. Practical stuff you learn at work. Examples are good to learn syntax and general stuff, rest you can find quickly in documentation.

On the other hand, programming tutorials needs rethinking, but I think it need far deeper change.

There will be plenty of time for the new programmer to get their google-fu from reading other people's crappy documentation. As a writer, though, it's your job to make your piece as useful as possible for your intended audience. This means practical examples, because that's often the best way to learn in this type of scenario.

The point about PiL is not that it's a bad book, it's that it's a bad introduction for a non-programmer. PiL was extremely useful to me when I already knew C++ and Python, but I can also see that if it had been my first programming resource I would have been in trouble.

I'd recommend looking at "Learn Python the Hard Way" (http://learnpythonthehardway.org/) for an awesome example of a tutorial written with teaching beginners in mind, rather than the typical uncomfortable combination of teaching and documenting that happens in most tutorial books.

Er, how about we have different books for different audiences?

The Lua programming book isn't a tutorial, as far as I can tell. As an experienced programmer I appreciated its brevity and spare clarity -- it mirrors the language. Adding words would make it significantly less useful to me.

I completely agree with him, the best tutorials I've ever had for languages were ones that had me make something I might use.

My first experiences were in c++ and that had me making little games in the command line. I eventually took it upon myself to write an implementation of conway's game of life once I learnt about 2d-arrays and realised I could use two of them to make it.

Visual studio 2010 has a very nice set of tutorials that I found really great for learning c# with. The first was just a program that had 3 buttons (open, clear and close) and a picture box. It just opened an image and displayed it. It was a really nice tutorial that was fun, taught fast and inspired me to make the first program that I actually use on my desktop. It's a pretty basic slideshow program, but I've never found one that fitted what I wanted and the tutorial gave me all the tools I needed to create it with, nothing more.

That tutorial made me sit for a weekend and write that program. The feeling of finally having a program that did what I wanted and the fact that I made it just added an extra level of joy. It really showed to me why programming is enjoyable.

The quality of a tutorial for an absolute beginner can make or break their motivation to ever try again. It's far too important to not do well.

I tried to write http://eloquentjavascript.net with this in mind — building from basics, driven by actual examples.

You probably get told this every day, but your book is awesome.

Well spaced English, good examples.

I agree. I think this approach allows the tutorial to be useful regardless of other language programming experience.

If you are new to programming reading a tutorial aimed at experienced developers, then, as OP states, it can be difficult to understand paragraphs loaded with unfamiliar technology, or where the concepts are presented in an entirely abstract fashion.

If you are an experienced developer reading a beginners' tutorial, then it's easy to miss some crucial novel detail hidden amongst all the bits that you already know.

If the tutorial takes you on the journey from a blank text file to an application that does something, then all levels can be as engaged as they need to be.

On the other hand, it will be just as easy to make a rubbish tutorial in this way, as it is to make a rubbish one that teaches the language in a more abstract fashion.

Agreed. As somebody who has self-taught / is self-teaching, many of the guides become very complex very quickly. I'm fine with that now. At the start it was a frustrating experience, and I'm one of the people who wikipedia's everything he doesn't know.

There's no problem with books set for different levels. In-fact, I hate those beginner books now as they move too slow. The issue I see is most publishers incorrectly bucketing their guide as beginner-level, and either going too deep too fast or writing code without explaining the mechanics.

I've seen many people get frustrated, lost and give up as a result. You can argue they didn't have the mind / passion for this type of work, however I observe many people who stop before they get started.

I've been teaching/tutoring people on how to program since my high school days. One of the best tools I've come to rely on is being able to show my student what the end result of the program looks like and how it behaves. Its often much harder for people to realize what you are trying to do with specific lines of code without having seen what the end goal is. Having seen the final result and working backwards along side you to figure out the bits and pieces that would be required to make the end result work is something far easier and more natural for people based on my experience.

In my opinion, the problem with programming language tutorials (especially those found on the web for free), is that many are written by people who are not that great of technical writers, and even less so at keeping the reader's attention.

The best programming books/tutorials I've read motivate the reader to ask questions and perform hands-on experiments, all while being as accurate & comprehensive as possible.

Language tutorials do not need to be dull walls of text, that's why I'm a big fan of the "Do X while Learning Y" tutorial style, and am glad whenever I see a good one pop up on HN.

I'm sure this isn't a new thought, and I will also admit I didn't finish the article so this may have been brought up, but I strongly consider 'teaching someone to program' and 'teaching someone to program using language X' completely different topics with very little common ground that must be taught using entirely different methods.

The first few paragraphs of the article point out problems with some tutorials/manuals for languages getting too deep too fast, but I like that feature now that I know (in some manner) how to program.

imo, Learn X The Hard Way does this exactly right for people completely new to programming.

I absolutely agree. Every time someone around me wants to start programming, I introduce them to Zed Shaw's books, and none of my friends disliked the experience. His pedagogy is lightyears ahead of most technical books writers.

On the other hand, it's good that some books do actually target people with a programming background, but this is not really a problem anymore, since those people know where to find good books. Stackoverflow threads about books are here for that.


Many people on HN recount their early experiences of programming. They had some home computer, and they had a magazine program listing, and they typed it in. Then they tinkered around with it. Then they read the book that came with the computer, and wrote more programs.

That is pretty much the "Learn X the Hard Way" approach, and it's really good.

If you want to learn to play guitar, the wrong approach is to pick up a book about music theory and a chart showing where all the notes are on the fretboard.

I found music theory knowledge very helpful when learning how to play guitar. In fact, if somebody knows what intervals a minor triad and a major triad are made of, and they know what note each string of the guitar is, then they can work out how to play a lot of chords.

Did you already know an instrument?

Yep. I learned music theory in the course of learning to play single-note woodwind instruments. There's a lot of focus on scales and intervals.

I completely agree. Learning to program myself, and pushing beyond the initial jargon barrier is painful. I keep looking for practical tutorials, but they don't really seem to exist. I want purposeful, hands-on learning. Without that in the beginning, there's nothing to attach the theory/knowledge to and it falls out the other ear. Show me what these things do and my brain will want to do it!

At the risk of sounding like a jerk, I notice that the author focused on Lua and Haskell. While I think that both Lua and Haskell are useful languages, I think they are rather poor choices for beginners. Consequently, I think that the people who wrote the tutorials deserve the benefit of the doubt - I somewhat doubt that they wrote their tutorials for complete newbies!

Haskell I understand, but why do you think Lua is a bad choice for beginners? It seems ideal to me: simple but fairly powerful, with little to no historical cruft. Do you have some experience with watching new programmers figure out Lua?

I believe that when you set out to learn something, the onus is on you to find the best ways to appropriate the knowledge. Do not expect knowledge to be imparted onto you, it's your role to reach out to it. A lot of the time it will be a painful and exhausting thing, but that's natural.

If you set out searching for easy learning, you'll only get frustrated and limit your options.

This is why I really like Udacity's classes. Even though I have used Python in the past, starting from scratch and building a small search engine is awesome, and bits and pieces picked up along the way are really helping my comprehension of the language.

Just look at the manual for authohotkey, for an example of how to teach to nonprogrammers. Hello world in ahk: !h::send, hello world Will type hello world in any editable area in any application on alt +h Amazing feeling for a non programmer.

I first picked up "C++ for dummies" when I was 12. I really tried and struggled, but they didn't really explain much.

Ended up dropping C++ and learning Python years later.

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