The only thing I've used GPT for is generating commit messages based on my diff, because it's better than me writing 'wip: xyz' and gives me a better idea about what I did before I start tidying up the branch.
Even if I wanted to use it for code, I just can't. And it's actually make code review more difficult when I look at PRs and the only answer I get from the authors is "well, it's what GPT said." Can't even prove that it works right by putting a test on it.
In that sense it feels like shirking responsibility - just because you used an LLM to write your code doesn't mean you don't own it. The LLM won't be able to maintain it for you, after all.
I wouldn't go that far; we all want to be lazy. Using it as a crutch and assuming everyone else uses GPT so it's all good - well, nobody is going to understand it any more.
Half of the stuff GPT comes up with in the reviews I could rewrite much more simply and directly, while improving code comprehension.
That may be a bit much, but I'd think it grounds for sitting down with the person in question to discuss the need for understanding the code they turn in.
Even if I wanted to use it for code, I just can't. And it's actually make code review more difficult when I look at PRs and the only answer I get from the authors is "well, it's what GPT said." Can't even prove that it works right by putting a test on it.
In that sense it feels like shirking responsibility - just because you used an LLM to write your code doesn't mean you don't own it. The LLM won't be able to maintain it for you, after all.