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It's a project created and maintained entirely in my free time. I provide free support when someone needs help and I fix bugs when someone files an issue. I've written documentation and a guide in the project's Github wiki. This is all done outside of full-time work. Forgive me if I don't spend more time improving the website and uptime when it's an endeavour that brings me no income whatsoever. You're the type of person that makes me hate open-source sometimes.

Don't have a cow, man, it's nothing personal.

What does open source have to do with the reason your site was down?

>Don't have a cow, man, it's nothing personal.

I think that impugning the professionalism of someone's work because their project's home page was down once is pretty darned personal.

I know nothing of anybody behind it, how could my intent possibly be personal?

That argument doesn't hold water. I don't know you, but if I say "From the looks of your page many9s.com , I'd say you're an amateur with no design sense", then I'm personally attacking you.

Right, because you're making it personal. How is it that you go from a simple webpage to a person's skills? I certainly didn't do that.

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