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The author seems pretty credible to me. Maybe try to look at this a bit more objectively.

I am judging the author on this article alone and it is not credible. Maybe he just got emotionally charged for some reason or is looking to build an audience by getting the clicks that come with hating on a popular person. I think objectively it is glossing over the fact that Musk has nothing to do with the current Hyperloop project. Musk has done nothing but put free research into the world then this author makes a very grande assumption that he released free research out of some evil conspiracy that releasing free research would make governments stop building trains. Not only that but its been less than 10 years since that was idea was released and the author speaks as if its been tried and failed everywhere. I don't see how much less credible the author could be.

Might I add the other articles suggested by this author you call credible are titled "Elon Musk is a Racist" and "Elon Musk wants to relive his start-up days. He's repeating the same mistakes"

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