Both acts are wrong, but one of the wronged parties is a working class person trying to make ends meet, and the other is a multi-billion dollar conglomerate that is actively engaged in the theft that is victimizing the former. I'm far more concerned about the person than the corporate entity.
If Walgreens decides the burden of theft is simply too much to bear, they can always close up shop. Entirely or by location.
A worker often does not have that flexibility. They have to take whatever they can get, often very much including wage theft.
In times of such ludicrous inequality I simply have zero empathy for the wealthy. They have pillaged our entire society with fantasies of infinite growth for decades and the poison fruit of that process permeates every space in our society. If they want empathy and community, they're more than welcome to give away all their money and join the rest of us poors in the shitheap world they have built. Till then, fuck em.