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2D acceleration is generally done through the same APIs, specifically OpenGL and Vulkan. Classically, the X compositor would use the GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap extension to import an X pixmap representing a window surface into OpenGL, where it can be used like any other texture. For the Wayland compositor, I believe you'd use EGL_WL_bind_wayland_display to bind a Wayland surface to an EGLImage, and then glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES (can't believe I have that function name memorized) to bind that EGLImage to an OpenGL texture, where it can be used in the same way. Vulkan has similar extensions.

On the client side, I think most Linux apps still draw their UIs on CPU, usually accelerated with SIMD. Firefox and Chrome (I think SkiaGL is enabled on Linux?) are exceptions; they use OpenGL and/or Vulkan to draw their UI. Video playback is a different beast and in theory relies on vendor-specific extensions to decode the video in hardware. However, the last time I looked at Linux video decoding (which was years ago), the drivers were awful and interfacing with each vendor's APIs was a huge pain, and so most apps just did video decoding on CPU. (Besides, the Linux ecosystem prefers open codecs, and hardware has only recently gotten support for non-patent-encumbered video formats.)

> However, the last time I looked at Linux video decoding (which was years ago), the drivers were awful and interfacing with each vendor's APIs was a huge pain, and so most apps just did video decoding on CPU.

Nowadays VA-API is near universally supported, and any half-decent video player uses it to do hardware decoding.

For client side Qt has good GPU support but only for QML. All QML is drawn on GPU by default (expect text I think, which uses Harfbuzz) but all Qt Widgets are drawn on CPU. However things like KDE's Wayland uses direct OpenGL calls for faster composition.

Firefox has Web Render running on top of ANGLE which is a generic OpenGL layer that converts the OpenGL calls into native platform calls. ANGLE is a Google project and it is the base library for Skia which is used by Chromium to render everything. IIRC Qt / QML also uses ANGLE for Windows.

Why are toolkits still rendered on the CPU?

It's a ton of effort to write a GPU vector renderer that's both compatible with existing apps and faster than the CPU. Switching to SkiaGL would probably be the easiest approach to migrate to GPU rendering, but Skia is notoriously difficult to use outside of Google's codebases. (The running joke being "the recommended way to build Skia is to get a job at Google, but there are some workarounds available if for some reason that isn't practical.")

I love this joke! We use Skia as a PDF renderer and it does take a bit of plumbing to get it in, plus you have to track it more often than we'd like (that's not a fault of the build environment, but rather it doesn't have a stable API), plus we have local mods.

High-quality text rendering on GPU is surprisingly tricky and inefficient, unless you're using something simple like a glyph cache.

Does something like Signed Distance Fields help or is it just be an added value and not a complete different way of doing it?

Only for certain fonts at certain sizes, and only if you have the SDF generated ahead of time, both of which mean that the technique isn't general enough to render arbitrary fonts in .otf format.

Rasterizing small glyphs is super fast anyway, there's not much of a need to accelerate it if you can just cache the glyph bitmaps.

QML uses it, but it doesn't look as good as FreeType with LCD subpixel rendering and light hinting... if that is what you like (it is what I like).

I believe GTK4 uses the GPU by default

I think Cairo used OpenGL too. And X.Org itself had stuff like Glamor, XRender...

Cairo's OpenGL backends, such as glamor, never really made it out of the experimental phase and were rarely if ever used as far as I know.

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