Yesterday I had a chat bot take my order at a Checkers drive-through. It was surreal as it answered my questions and read me off the list of sauces that could accompany my chicken.
It happily accepted my request to add a caramel sundae to my order, but once I arrived at the drive-through window and informed me that they were out of ice cream. "She just does whatever she wants," said the cashier. "We would tell her that the ice cream machine is broken, and she'll reply with ' alright checkers.' but still happily ring up costumers for the ice cream."
It happily accepted my request to add a caramel sundae to my order, but once I arrived at the drive-through window and informed me that they were out of ice cream. "She just does whatever she wants," said the cashier. "We would tell her that the ice cream machine is broken, and she'll reply with ' alright checkers.' but still happily ring up costumers for the ice cream."