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A Beautiful library of SVG logos (svgl.vercel.app)
58 points by anupsurendran 9 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 24 comments

My technique of finding high quality logos involved looking for PDFs with logos embedded into them and then importing it to Illustrator. Earnings statements and digital product catalogs have interesting logos too like Bluetooth and CE/UL marks. It’s not exactly like the original but close enough. It’s enough to take the DWG into AutoCAD or CAD/CAM to generate high quality vinyl decals.

I can’t tell how close to the original these logos are without comparing them in AutoCAD. Perhaps there should be a source cited for each upload to improve this site.

By the way, for regular lines, SVG can be a good substitute but all CAD software and file formats treat splines differently. You need to store a bitmap copy to make sure something doesn’t get mangled up because of conversion. SVG surely does that. Native files will usually show all the construction lines involved in producing the details. That would be the proof that you’re the proper trademark holder.

What is the precision we’re using too? There should be some sort of standard there too. E.g. SVG16 to indicate precision.

My interest is in generative AI in the field of vector graphics. There’s a lot we can do there.

SVG does not store a bitmap. They are XML files and you can inspect the source code.

Au contraire, you very much can embed bitmaps into SVGs - it's often the only way to export gradient meshes in a manner supported by all renderers. This can be done via the plain ol' `image` tag with an external file, or a data URI to directly embed the encoded bitmap file.

If you want to be extra cursed, you can also place a bunch of 1x1 `<rect>`s next to each other and color them individually. For extra points, you can combine consecutive pixel of the same color into a say 2x1 or 1x5 rects. Or make use of `<use>` tags to implement a color pallete.

There is also https://www.brandsoftheworld.com with a lot of logotypes including old ones.

If your logo is missing and don't need color, try https://simpleicons.org

Obviously the logo itself is copyright, trademarked etc, but what about the svg? EG, If I submit svg of my logo to this registry, does it become owned by vercel in some way?

It's a website hosted by Vercel, it's not made by Vercel. As far as I can tell it's just someone's project published without much thought given to legal issues. Try contacting them maybe https://github.com/pheralb/svgl/issues

A collection of logos is clearly fair use. No one is purporting that these are anything other than the logo of whatever it is the logo of. Now if you started using these logos to misrepresent an affiliation or something, now that would be open you up to a civil lawsuit.

Don’t overthink this. If you needed a letter from a lawyer for every logo then Wikipedia wouldn’t have logos on every business page, and companies wouldnt often have press kits distributing high quality logos in various formats suitable for high quality replication.

"published without much thought given to legal issues."

Indeed, with all these logos in the code/repository, I wonder how long this will last.

What does this have to do with vercel? This is just a page hosted there, not created or owned by them. Why would they own the logos?

Logo trademarked by the represented entity or its owner.

SVG content (i.e. the text underlying the image) copyright to the person creating the SVG.

I would personally take this as a) a demonstration of how to implement various things in SVG and b) a demonstration of the skills of the SVGs’ creator(s). I can’t imagine any reason I would ever need to place Meta’s logo on anything.

Caveat: I’m in the USA. Could be different elsewhere in the world.

>SVG content copyright to the person creating the SVG.

um... no. In the US, you can't take an image that I have a copyright to and turn it into an SVG and distribute it such that web browsers will render it into a facsimile of the image I own without infringing my copyright. It would be on you, not on the person viewing it.

At best you've created a derivative work that you can stop me from distributing and I'd have to make my own SVG. Of course, you wouldn't even have a license to send me a copy of your SVG, so I'd have to create my own anyway.

You intentionally overlooked the parenthetical. I didn’t say the copyright on the rendered image would go to the SVG creator. There are, I’m sure, many creative ways to specify in SVG source how an image is rendered. Those commands, tags, whatever text directs the renderer are created from a creative process. The copyright for the final SVG text is indeed held by the creator.

That does not mean the rendered image copyright is held by the SVG creator.

I had the same question Jacknews, I couldnt find the person who is running this at vercel to ask this question. Maybe we should just tweet?

I don't think it is made by Vercel, they are hosting it on Vercel. There is a link to the developers Twitter and GitHub at the top of the page.

The Linux logo is badly in need of modernization

That version of Tux seems to be an arbitrary glossy version. There are others, e.g. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tux_(mascot)#/media/File:TuxFl...

Also interesting, Tux is not the logo. From the same wikipedia page:

> Since Tux won none of the three competitions that were held Tux is formally known as the Linux brand character and not the logo.

It's sad that when people say "design" today they mean just make it like others.


“Just wait long enough, I will be cool again.” —Tux

I thought the additional colors looked pretty modern on Tux. How would you change our favorite penguin?

Looks like Club Penguin

Yeah because we all know how important a logo is for an operating system...

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