Your comment deserves a woosh, but this isn't reddit. The parent post was making fun of a spelling error by making similar errors in 'tag', 'Netscape' and 'Navigator'.
Your comment is also wrong in that marquee actually originated in Internet Explorer 3. I remember when there were webpages that would blink in Netscape and marquee in Internet Explorer since each browser had its own proprietary annoying tag.
People will say 'woosh' if somebody took a joking comment seriously because the humor was too sophisticated. People use this word because it is the sound made when the comment goes over someone's head (here, the comment is treated like an airplane.)
Also, since I can no longer edit my earlier comment, it was actually derleth's comment that I was factually correcting (although he likely said that because it allowed the joke to work better).
This tague was only implemented by Netsgape Naviguator.