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You're on a forum called Hacker News. Abolish all copyright except when it benefits me.

How about lets just get rid of all of it.

Copyright has been one of the primary driving forces behind human progress over the last couple hundreds of years. But sure, let's get rid of it... cause it's cool (or edgy, or whatever...)

Not because it's edgy, but because it's the right and ethical thing to do. Free culture and free software, opponents of copyright, has driven much innovation over the last few decades.

> Not because it's edgy, but because it's the right and ethical thing to do

Also, utterly delusional. That is unless you don't see any problem living in a world with no movies, no tv shows, barely any books, a lot less music, video games etc. etc.

> Free culture and free software,

Opensource software has only been really successful in areas where it's a cost centre and not the end product. Which is why corporations are willing to fun its development. I'll let you figure out the implications of that yourself.

People sharing or even stealing other people's intellectual property rights has been an even bigger driving force of human progress.

It's why places like San Francisco are the tech center of the world.

The reason being, that all of the tech employees will often get all this great knowledge and then leave and start their own company, or at a minimum transfer that knowledge to other companies.

The fact that California doesn't allow most non competes is an amazing example of how sharing knowledge has created amazing progress.

> People sharing or even stealing other people's intellectual property rights

Because they can make money doing that. There has to be balance, having no copyright protection at all obvious would be disastrous.

> this great knowledge and then leave and start their own company

That's great, it's not illegal.

> doesn't allow most non competes

Cool. Also tangential and has no relation to copyright.

> That's great, it's not illegal.

Indeed it is great that people can take knowledge and share it with others!

More stuff like that should be legal. Using other's knowledge should be expanded and should become even more legal by getting rid of laws that prevent information from being shared.

That's my whole point. It is an example where the sharing of knowledge and ideas is actually the large driver of innovation.

Stealing and sharing ideas promotes lots of innovation. Because workers take their knowledge and share it with new companies that they join.

> Also tangential and has no relation to copyright.

No it's not tangential.

It's completely related to the idea that sharing knowledge promotes innovation.

> Because they can make money doing that.

Indeed. People can indeed make money by sharing and stealing knowledge. That's my whole point!

It promotes innovation and allows people to even make money. Glad you agree.

> Indeed. People can indeed make money by sharing and stealing knowledge. That's my whole point! > It promotes innovation and allows people to even make money. Glad you agree.

Only because copyright laws and similar protections exist.

But I'm sorry, I can't really say that I agree with you because you're being so vague that I don't really understand what you are actually saying.

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