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I'm guessing you sell ESC systems.

Not even slightly. I wouldn't touch a human-safety-critical system like that if you paid me twice what I'm currently making. No, I just would really like it if people didn't die in car accidents, I think that modern controls theory is Really Neat, and I'm entirely willing to evangelize for modern safety technology when it has the potential to prevent ONE THIRD of all deaths in automotive accidents in the US.

I remember when ABS braking was introduced, with all the fanfare of your enthusiasm. ABS braking was supposed to reduce accidents but actual statistics said it didn't. It made people write articles that said "it's almost as if humans have a built-in riskiness gauge, and as we make cars safer, they drive more recklessly" (and not "wreck"lessly haha).

I just checked wikipedia and there is a paucity of info showing actual effectiveness, and some showing what I just mentioned. It's a little suspicious that there is not overwhelmingly positive data https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-lock_braking_system#Effec...

It's interesting that motorcycles show a flat and unambiguous 30% fewer fatal crashes when riding bikes equipped with ABS. Which does somewhat support the theory that it's down to a Jevons-paradox-alike effect, given that AFAICT motorcyclists tend to be reckless enough drivers that there's no physical way for them to become more reckless in response to improved safety technology.

I believe motorcycles are in a different category than cars for a few reasons:

1. If you are too fast to squeeze the brake lever, the tire carcass will not deform properly, giving you the the maximum braking potential. There's a large difference in braking performance just grabbing vs. applying in a controlled manner. You can look up motorcycling racing brake application for more info on this.

2. Breaking too hard can cause a stoppie (a wheelie using your front wheel). Done improperly, that creates a lot of fear in the rider.

3.If you lock the brakes and steer, you are likely to have the front end of the motorcycle dip, causing it to lowside.

ABS helps mitigate all 3 of these issues.

Or maybe he was just saved by one?

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