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> individually, highly optimised.

Now why would you expect that?

What happened to OP is a pure chance. CPython's C code doesn't even care about const-consistency. It's flush with dynamic memory allocations, bunch of helper / convenience calls... Even stuff like arithmetic does dynamic memory allocation...

Normally, you don't expect CPython to perform well, not if you have any experience working with it. Whenever you want to improve performance you want to sidestep all the functionality available there.

Also, while Python doesn't have a standard library, since it doesn't have a standard... the library that's distributed with it is mostly written in Python. Of course, some of it comes written in C, but there's also a sizable fraction of that C code that's essentially Python code translated mechanically into C (a good example of this is Python's binary search implementation which was originally written in Python, and later translated into C using Python's C API).

What one would expect is that functionality that is simple to map to operating system functionality has a relatively thin wrapper. I.e. reading files wouldn't require much in terms of binding code because, essentially, it goes straight into the system interface.

Have you ever attempted to write a scripting language that performs better?

I have, several, and it's far from trivial.

The basics are seriously optimized for typical use cases, take a look at the source code for the dict type.

> The basics are seriously optimized for typical use cases, take a look at the source code for the dict type

Python is well micro-optimized, but the broader architecture of the language and especially the CPython implementation did not put much concern into performance, even for a dynamically typed scripting language. For example, in CPython values of built-in types are still allocated as regular objects and passed by reference; this is atrocious for performance and no amount of micro optimization will suffice to completely bridge the performance gap for tasks which stress this aspect of CPython. By contrast, primitive types in Lua (including PUC Lua, the reference, non-JIT implementation) and JavaScript are passed around internally as scalar values, and the languages were designed with this in mind.

Perl is similar to Python in this regard--the language constructs and type systems weren't designed for high primitive operation throughput. Rather, performance considerations were focused on higher level, functional tasks. For example, Perl string objects were designed to support fast concatenation and copy-on-write references, optimizations which pay huge dividends for the tasks for which Perl became popular. Perl can often seem ridiculously fast for naive string munging compared to even compiled languages, yet few people care to defend Perl as a performant language per se.

Raymond Hettinger's talk Modern Python Dictionaries: A confluence of a dozen great ideas is an awesome "history of how we got these optimizations" and a walk through why they are so effective - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npw4s1QTmPg

Yeah, I had a nice chat with Raymond Hettinger at a Pycon in Birmingham/UK back in the days (had no idea who he was at the time). He seemed like a dedicated and intelligent person, I'm sure we can thank him for some of that.

> Have you ever attempted to write a scripting language that performs better?

No, because "scripting language" is not a thing.

But, if we are talking about implementing languages, then I worked with many language implementations. The most comparable one that I know fairly well, inside-and-out would be the AVM, i.e. the ActionScript Virtual Machine. It's not well-written either unfortunately.

I've looked at implementations of Lua, Emacs Lisp and Erlang at different times and to various degree. I'm also somewhat familiar with SBCL and ECL, the implementation side. There are different things the authors looked for in these implementations. For example, SBCL emphasizes performance, where ECL emphasizes simplicity and interop with C.

If I had to grade language implementations I've seen, Erlang would absolutely take the cake. It's a very thoughtful and disciplined program where authors went to a great length to design and implement it. CPython is on the lower end of such programs. It's anarchic, very unevenly implemented, you run into comments testifying to the author not knowing what they are doing, what their predecessor did, nor what to do next. Sometimes the code is written from that perspective as well, as in if the author somehow manages to drive themselves in the corner they don't know what the reference count is anymore, they'll just hammer it until they hope all references are dead (well, maybe).

It's the code style that, unfortunately, I associate with proprietary projects where deadlines and cost dictate the quality, where concurrency problems are solved with sleeps, and if that doesn't work, then the sleep delay is doubled. It's not because I specifically hate code being proprietary, but because I meet that kind of code in my day job more than I meet it in hobby open-source projects.

> take a look at the source code for the dict type.

I wrote a Protobuf parser in C with the intention of exposing its bindings to Python. Dictionaries were a natural choice for the hash-map Protobuf elements. I benchmarked my implementation against C++ (Google's) implementation only to discover that std::map wins against Python's dictionary by a landslide.

Maybe Python's dict isn't as bad as most of the rest of the interpreter, but being the best of the worst still doesn't make it good.

Except it is, because everyone knows sort of what it means, an interpreted language that prioritizes convenience over performance; Perl/Python/Ruby/Lua/PHP/etc.

SBCL is definitely a different beast.

I would expect Emacs Lisp & Lua to be more similar.

Erlang had plenty more funding and stricter requirements.

C++'s std::map has most likely gotten even more attention than Python's dict, but I'm not sure from your comment if you're including Python's VM dispatch in that comparison.

What are you trying to prove here?

(std::map is famously rubbish, to the extent that a common code review fix is to replace it with std::unordered_map. Map is a tree, unordered map is a linked-list-collision hashtable. Both are something of a performance embarrassment for C++. So std::map outperforming a given hashtable is a strongly negative judgement)

If I may hazard a guess (I don't know why the original code used it), Python dictionaries are also ordered (and there's no option in Python's library to have them not ordered). Maybe they wanted to match Python's behavior.

Python dicts are ordered in a slightly weird way though, and only since 3.6 (before that it leaked the hashtable implementation scheme). Std::map orders things by some boolean comparator (and duly goes wrong if you give it a partial order comparison), binary tree style. Python currently orders by insertion order, very like storing a list of the keys as well as a hash table, so it can iterate over it in insertion order. That's definitely slower than not maintaining that order but it seems popular with python developers.

   ordered in a slightly weird way
Do you mean "insertion ordered"? That means the order of iteration is guaranteed to match insertion order. C++'s std::map is ordered by key (less than comparison) to create a binary search tree. So iteration order will always be ordered by key value. C++'s std::unordered_map has no ordering guarantees (that I know). I don't think the standard C++ template library has the equivalent of a modern Python dict, nor Java LinkedHashMap. Does anyone know if that is incorrect?

It's ordered and predictable, which is far from rubbish.

In most cases std::unordered_map will be faster, but hashtables have nasty edge cases and are usually more expensive to create.

I can pretty much guarantee it's been optimized to hell and back.

Unordered map sure hasn't been. There are algorithmic performance guarantees in the standard that force the linked list of buckets implementation despite that being slower than alternatives. Maybe the libc++ map<> is a very perfect rbtree, but I doubt that's the state of the art in ordered containers either.

> interpreted language

There is no such thing as interpreted language. A language implementation can be called an interpreter to emphasize the reliance on rich existing library, but there's no real line here that can divide languages into two non-ambiguous categories. So... is C an "interpreted language"? -- well, under certain light it is, since it calls into libc for a lot of functionality, therefor libc can be thought of as its interpreter. Similarly, machine code is often said to be interpreted by the CPU, when it translates it to microcode and so on.

> prioritizes convenience over performance

This has nothing to do with scripting. When the word "scripting" is used, it's about the ability to automate another program, and record this automation as a "script". Again, this is not an absolute metric that can divide all languages or their implementations into scripting and not-scripting. When the word "scripting" is used properly it is used to emphasize the fact that a particular program is amenable to automation by means of writing other programs, possibly in another language.

Here are some fun examples to consider. For example, MSBuild, a program written in C# AFAIK, can be scripted in C# to compile C# programs! qBittorrent, a program written in Python can be scripted using any language that has Selenium bindings because qBittorrent uses Qt for the GUI stuff and Qt can be automated using Selenium. Adobe Photoshop (used to be, not sure about now) can be scripted in JavaScript.

To give you some examples which make your claim ridiculously wrong: Forth used to be used in Solaris bootloader to automate kernel loading progress, i.e. it was used as a scripting language for that purpose, however most mature Forth implementations are aiming for the same performance bracket as C. You'd be also hard-pressed to find a lot of people who think that Forth is a very convenient language... (I do believe it's fine, but there may be another five or so people who believe it too).


Basically, your ideas about programming language taxonomies are all wrong and broken... sorry. Not only you misapplied the labels, you don't even have any good labels to begin with.


> What are you trying to prove here?

Where's here? Do you mean the original comment or the one that mentions std::map?

If the former: I'm trying to prove that CPython is a dumpster fire of a program. That is based on many years of working with it and quite extensive knowledge of its internals of which I already provided examples of.

If it is the later: parent claimed something about how optimized Python's dictionary is, I showed that it has a very long way to go to be in the category of good performers. I.e. optimizing something, no matter how much, doesn't mean that it works well.

I don't know what do you mean by Python's VM dispatch in this context. I already explained that I used Python C API for dictionaries, namely this: https://docs.python.org/3/c-api/dict.html . It's very easy to find equivalent functionality in std::map.

For starters, since everything in Python is a pass-by-ref object, dicts store pointers to values, which then have to be allocated on the heap and refcounted, whereas std::map can store values directly. But this is the consequence of a very-high-level object model used by CPython, not its dict implementation that has to adapt to that.

You are very confused between how something works right now and how it can work in principle. In this you very much resemble CPython developers: they never attempt optimizations that go beyond what Python C API can offer. This is very limiting (and, this is why all sorts of Python JIT compilers can in many circumstances beat CPython by a lot).

The evidence to how absurd your claim is is right in front of you: Google's implementation of Protobuf uses std::map for dictionaries, and these dictionaries are exposed to Python. But, following your argument this... shouldn't be possible?

To better understand the difference: Python dictionary stores references to Python objects, but it doesn't have to. It could, for example, take Python strings and use C character arrays for storage, and then upon querying the dictionary convert them back to Python str objects. Similarly with integers for example etc.

Why is this not done -- I don't know. Knowing how many other things are done in Python, I'd suspect that this isn't done because nobody bothered to do it. It also feels too hard and to unrewarding to patch a single class of objects, even as popular as dictionaries. If you go for this kind of optimizations, you want it to be systematically and uniformly applied to all the code... and that's, I guess, how Cython came to be, for example.

Cython is pretty much Python without bytecode interpreter, translated to C instead, but retaining the object model. That's why it's so slow.

And the reason why the object model is the way it is, is because it's an entrenched part of the Python ABI. Sure, if you break that, you can do things a lot faster - this isn't news, people have been doing this with projects like Jython and IronPython that can work a lot faster. But the existing ecosystem of packages is so centered on CPython that this approach has proven to be self-defeating - you end up with a Python implementation that very few people actually use.

So, no, it's not because people are "very confused" or "nobody bothered to do it". It's because compatibility matters.

Well, again, you are confused... and, most likely the CPython developers didn't bother.

No. You don't need the Python object model when implementing Python dictionary. You have evidence right in front of you: std::map bindings are successfully used in its place.

Why even keep arguing about this?

In fact, you can implement your own dictionary, and if you expose all the same mapping protocol, it will work the same as the built-in one. Do you have to use Python objects for this? -- absolutely no. You can convert at the interface boundary. Experience shows that this works noticeably better than using Python objects all the way. Why did the original CPython developers not do it? -- I don't know, can only guess. I already wrote what my guess is. And, in all sincerity, CPython has a lot more and a lot worse problems. Compared to the rest of the codebase, the dictionary object is fine. So, if anyone would seriously consider improving CPython's performance they wouldn't touch dictionaries, at least not at first.

You don't need a Python object model when implementing a highly specialized dictionary that can only store very specific data types. But Python dict is a generic collection type that is designed to store any Python object (or rather, reference to such, since Python has reference semantics for anything).

And this part:

> if anyone would seriously consider improving CPython's performance they wouldn't touch dictionaries, at least not at first.

is just straight up nonsense, given how many times over Python's history dicts have been substantially rewritten. As it happens, I work on Python dev tooling, and the CPython team changing internal data structures for perf reasons has been a recurring headache for me, so I know full well what I'm talking about here.

> Have you ever attempted to write a scripting language that performs better?

Way to miss the mark. The point is precisely that Python is slow and one of the causes is that it is a scripting language. Stomping your foot and essentially: "You couldn't do any better" helps no one and is counterproductive.

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