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Yes, agreed.

But that's a lot of smoke already, those reps would likely not say that if it wasn't something they could back up.

> But that's a lot of smoke already, those reps would likely not say that if it wasn't something they could back up.

Agreed, but the reps would also clearly make the other claims as well, if they were valid claims that they could back up. The fact they didn't makes me think it's someone being overly dramatic with no actual knowledge. Or to put it another way, I don't think it's "a lot of smoke", I think it's a campfire that's being claimed as a forest fire.

Tesla has done exactly that same thing before so it's not as farfetched as it may seem, they may have simply not realized that doing that same thing in Europe is going to have a completely different effect than what happened the previous time in America.

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