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Yes, sorry i wasn't clear, but consumer protection laws spawns across all EU (i think it's more than that, even Switzerland is in that agreement), so if Tesla do not respect Swedish warranties, Tesla would be at risk in the whole EU.

And Eu is not the US. Some young people might like and follow Musk and his venture a lot, but most people just do not care about him, and when it comes to consumer laws, EU do not joke around. If you have to trust EU to agree on one thing, it's consumer protection. More than market integrity, for sure (hence what is allowed to happen in Ireland: if you do not import consumer grade product or food, the irish sea border basically isn't enforced). So unless Tesla is far more popular accross EU than the Uk, Tesla will have to bend.

EU sucks ass for consumer protection. I bought an overengineered EU designed electric plug adapter in Paris. It wouldn’t work without applying 10kg of force to insert my charger, which it broke doing so.

Store wouldn’t offer a refund only replacement. Only got a refund after I made the clerk test the replacement which also had the same issue.

Same happened with floss that was the thickness of shoelace. Tried to return but Monoprix wouldn’t take it.

In the US, stores take back anything and if they don’t it’s a credit card chargeback away (which I would have done for the electric plug if they didn’t refund me.)

If you didn't involve the authorities to exercise your rights, it sounds more like anecdotal experiences with those particular stores than the entire EU "sucking ass".

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