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I mean, this is hardly the first time this has happened; US and other foreign companies have incurred the wrath of the unions in the Nordics before. Why would the US _government_ retaliate against the Swedish _government_ for a dispute between the Swedish unions and a company? What form would this retaliation take? Bear in mind that, for practical purposes, even if for some reason it wanted to (and again, why would it?) the US couldn't really impose trade sanctions on Sweden without starting a trade war with the Common Market as a whole.

As for other companies entering the market, like, this is a thing companies know about the market before going in. This isn't something new.

>Why would the US _government_ retaliate against the Swedish _government_ for a dispute between the Swedish unions and a company?

If you want to go down a fun rabbit hole, look into conspiracy theories about how many things Tesla's (and Amazon's and Apple's and Microsoft's and-) stock price is propping up.

US officials have done so lots of times. Go to any official political meeting between countries and US businesses are participating together with state officials. Like in US China meetings.

Xi Jinping just met with Tim Cook, Elon Musk, etc.

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