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Rules? Collective agreements are entirely voluntary, by law.

What is happening is that the union is using connected companies to force Tesla to sign a collective agreement.

Employees are not prohibited from joining the union themselves, they are protected by law and Tesla can not stop them nor fire them for it.

From what I've read, the employees are quite happy as it is, and a collective agreement would actually make thing worse as it puts some restrictions on the relation between employer/employee.

Also not that Sweden is not US, there are a bunch of laws that protects workers, no matter if they are in a union or not.

> Employees are not prohibited from joining the union themselves, they are protected by law and Tesla can not stop them nor fire them for it.

Joining an union does not equate to having a CBA.

> From what I've read, the employees are quite happy as it is, and a collective agreement would actually make thing worse as it puts some restrictions on the relation between employer/employee.

What restrictions? Collective bargaining agreements set the minimum bar of the employment relationship, if Tesla already has better terms there's no reason to not sign one. They aren't forbidden to provide anything that is better than the agreement, they are only forbidden to go lower than the agreement.

>and a collective agreement would actually make thing worse as it puts some restrictions on the relation between employer/employee.

The collective agreement puts 0 restrictions, it's essentially just a form of safeguard to protect employees from abuse. They can still have higher salaries, bonuses, longer vacations etc.

> What is happening is that the union is using connected companies to force Tesla to sign a collective agreement.

Which the rules permit.

Being stubborn and winding up in the middle of a multi-union sympathy strike is similarly "entirely voluntary, by law".

Interesting choice of word.

If the employees are not interested, the employer is not interested, yet they are forced to do something they do not want (and which is voluntary, again by law) then it's not being "stubborn".

The union is doing this because they have members working for Tesla which has refused to sign a collective agreement for 5 years. Not all workers there have to want it, not even a majority.

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