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Nice! Ebiten is a super nice API for Go. Lots there to be inspired by in API design. Another API I like a lot is Love for Lua (which also actually can be used from C++).

Re: the comments on here about the GC etc. -- I've posted about this a couple times before but I've been using a custom Go (subset / some changes) -> C++ compiler for hobby gamedev, which helps with perf, gives access to C/C++ APIs (I've been using Raylib and physics engines etc.) and also especially has good perf in WebAssembly. Another nice thing is you can add in some reflection / metaprogramming stuff for eg. serializing structs or inspector UI for game entity properties. I was briefly experimenting with generating GLSL from Go code too so you can write shaders in Go and pass data to them with shared structs etc.

The compiler: https://github.com/nikki93/gx (it uses the Go parser and semantic analysis phases from the standard library so all it has to do is output C++) (it's a subset / different from regular Go -- no coroutines, no GC; just supporting what I've needed in practice -- typechecks as regular Go so editor autocomplete works etc.)

A game made with it a while ago for raylib game jam along with the raylib bindings and other engine stuff: https://github.com/nikki93/raylib-5k

Very old video of a longer term game project I'm using it on which also shows state-preserving reload on rebuilds and also the editor inspector UI: https://youtu.be/8He97Sl9iy0?si=IJaO0wegyu-nzDRm (you can see it reload preserving state across null pointer crashes too...)

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