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Can this be used for porn?

Porn will be one of the main use cases for this technology. Porn sites pioneered video streaming technologies back in the day, and drove a lot of the innovation there.

The question reminded me of this classic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YRgNOyCnbqg

Depends on whether trains, cars, and/or black cowboys tickle your fancy.

If it can't, someone will massage it until it can. Porn, and probably also stock video to sell to YouTubers.

The answer to that question is always "yes", regardless what "this" is.

Diffusion models for moving images are already used to a limited extent for this. And I'm sure it will be the use case, not just an edge case.

Nope, all commercial models are severly gated.

It's already posted to Unstable Diffusion discord so soon we'll know.

After all fine-tuning wouldn't take that long.

Very unusual comment.

I do not think so as the chance of constructing a fleshy eldritch horror is quite high.

How is that not the first question to ask? Porn has proven to be a fantastic litmus test of fast market penetration when it comes to new technologies.

Market what?

This is true. I was hoping my educated guess of the outcome would minimize the possibility of anyone attempting this. And yet, here we are - the only losing strategy in the technology sector is to not try at all.

No pun intended?

That didn't stop people using PornPen for images and it wouldn't stop them using something else for video.

> I do not think so as the chance of constructing a fleshy eldritch horror is quite high.

There is a market for everything!

A surprisingly large number of people are into fleshy eldritch horrors.

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