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See, I'd call those types "Web Designers" and use "Web Developer" for someone who does a mix of frontend/backend for the web.

To be clear, I'm talking about how someone defines themselves and their profession. Be a "software developer" or a "software designer". Don't put yourself in a "web" box, because the web will be implemented differently in a few years...like software always is.

There's a professional skillset that developers and designers should have that is far deeper and more general than this year's popular web technologies. If you have that skillset, your career is a lot more secure.

If you're a software developer/designer, and you think of yourself as a "web developer/designer", you're selling yourself short. And if you're beginning your career, know that you'll need learn how to develop/design software, not just "web".

Might be different in different regions and sizes of business - I don't work for a large business, I run a small business. I have called myself a Web Developer (if anything; usually I don't give myself a title) since 1995 and got by OK. There has been more than enough work for 15+ years. If the technology changes a bit, we either adjust or we don't, right?

Maybe it's a lot different in large corporations?

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