I like closure compiler. It is somewhat related to GWT (which also perform similar manglings of names but since compilation from java means there's no expectation of preservation of field names, it doesn't come out as bad).
On the other hand, i also see why the npm ecosystem (and in general, the javascript ecosystem) isn't suitable for large scale systems programming. The fact that using a module from npm does not guarantee that the "original" source is part of your compilation, seems ass backwards to me.
I like the system that closure compiler implements, because it clearly delineates between source artifacts and compiled artifacts. It also pushes modules to "export" symbols, rather than by default export everything.
If only the javascript users from back when NPM was in their early days actually embraced the concept of compilation units, closure compiler would've been the gcc of the web development world.
It's a lost opportunity to have left it languish, since the compiled output is vastly superior to anything webpack or any other current minifiers can produce.
I like closure compiler. It is somewhat related to GWT (which also perform similar manglings of names but since compilation from java means there's no expectation of preservation of field names, it doesn't come out as bad).
On the other hand, i also see why the npm ecosystem (and in general, the javascript ecosystem) isn't suitable for large scale systems programming. The fact that using a module from npm does not guarantee that the "original" source is part of your compilation, seems ass backwards to me.
I like the system that closure compiler implements, because it clearly delineates between source artifacts and compiled artifacts. It also pushes modules to "export" symbols, rather than by default export everything.
If only the javascript users from back when NPM was in their early days actually embraced the concept of compilation units, closure compiler would've been the gcc of the web development world.
It's a lost opportunity to have left it languish, since the compiled output is vastly superior to anything webpack or any other current minifiers can produce.