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I don't think the economics of this work because an Ethernet network is probably much more expensive than SAS and network configuration is more complex (you could make it zeroconf but that's also zero security).

> I don't think the economics of this work because an Ethernet network is probably much more expensive than SAS

Well, iSCSI has been around for ages, and because people got fed up with Fibre Channel requiring dedicated switches and transceiver components, first came FCoE that allowed using regular network transceivers and switches and then FCIP/iFCP that added regular IP routing to the mix but never saw much uptake.

> first came FCoE that allowed using regular network [stuff]

From rough memory, didn't FCoE start out that way only in theory?

With the reality that people needed to buy FCoE rated equipment, which was priced at "enterprise pricing" levels.

Pretty sure that was FCoE, and I'm not mis-remembering that from something else... :)

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