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I predict that everybody will start paying $4M to "skip the line" and then the line will be as long as it ever was _but_ it will cost an extra $4M to get through it. Just like when we started paying for TV to avoid commercials and then they slowly started putting commercials into the TV we were paying for.

That's how supply and demand are supposed to work. Eventually Panama should use the extra money to upgrade capacity, so they can make even more money.

At some point an equilibrium will be reached, where ships that don’t want to pay and/or wait just go the long way around Tierra del Fuego. That’s already what the giant ships (like aircraft carriers) that don’t fit do.

That’s not how it works. As mentioned in the article, this limited privilege is auctioned off to the highest bidder.

Exactly, IOW ticket scalping those rare VIP experiences.

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