Yeah I think the people who haven't found value are people who either don't have strong communication skills hence cannot articulate what they need OR work in very speciailized fields - either way they're clearly the minority seeing how many paying users chatgtp has and how fast they got there
> don't have strong communication skills hence cannot articulate
Basically this - even in a highly specialised field you would still find value in it if you're providing enough context and describing the problem properly.
People don't want to hear that they're poor communicators - it's much easier to blame the tech.
> People don't want to hear that they're poor communicators - it's much easier to blame the tech.
It's just hard to even know what to say to this. So you are implying that the problem lies with the human, who holds years of experience in education, problem solving, communication, etc., and not the "AI", which has no experience in any of that and has no real thought processes or problem solving or reasoning abilities? And people say ChatGPT is over-hyped!
I've had some chatlogs where people are not able to articulate even one clear sentence. They were fine telling me what they want, but not able to type the same sentence
> Yeah I think the people who haven't found value are people who either don't have strong communication skills hence cannot articulate what they need OR work in very speciailized fields
This is so weird and seems to be a common thread. You, and others, seem to be saying that ChatGPT is not useful if you're too dumb or too smart. It just seems both tautological and strange.
My communication skills are fine. ChatGPT is just not useful for me, period. I've tried taking what people have mentioned here, trying to have a so-called dialogue with it when things it suggests, for much more simple things, aren't quite correct. It keeps suggesting all these things, but it just feels like an interactive StackOverflow, except all the suggestions are wrong or don't work.
If you really wanted to improve you could show a link to a discussion, then I can give you feedback.
I am switching to teaching / consulting in AI. Chatbots are a part of that. I've reviewed some chatlogs, and some people get abyssimal results, which are entirely explainable and are 100% their fault.