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You don't need to try all (or any) programming languages in the world in order to like a single language.

No, but you appear woefully unqualified to put forth any kind of opinion as to why the language you like is a good language if you have no frame of reference.

I know Python, and I really like Python and think it is awesome.

Sure, but you have no basis to make a comparison. You just happened to luck out; Python is a great language. PHP is... not.

Languages I feel comfortable in:




-ActionScript 3


-C/C++ (not so much now but did in the past)

-Objective C

and I've played around with Ruby and Python a little.

Knowing all these languages, I still think PHP can be damn good when used properly. If you look at some of the frameworks built with it, they are clean and powerful.

That's the rub, though, isn't it? "When used properly". PHP doesn't at all encourage you to use it properly. It doesn't define what "properly" is. The original article detailing PHP's fractally-bad design gave an impressive list of PHP's design flaws and all of the broken things it can do to you. If you know these things and know how to avoid them, you're golden. But who (especially new programmers) can be expected to know all those things?

I also think C++ is a pretty bad language, but you can do some very impressive and clean -- and most importantly, maintainable -- things with it if you use it properly. Unfortunately there are lots of definitions that people have come up with that detail the "proper" subsets of C++ that are safe to use, with disagreement on a bunch of things. (And for the love of $DEITY, please don't lump C++ in with C, which is really a beautiful, amazing language.)

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