As far as spinning boards goes, you can get bare pcbs back from China in a couple weeks. If you pay extra, that can be 10 days. I use a Korean quickturn when I need the PCB shipped within 3 days, but it costs a pretty penny.
Producing PCBs domestically in the US is a sad joke. There are only 3 types of fabs here:
1. Stuck in the 80s and can't do much more than 2 layers and 10/10mil
2. Super high-end govt contractor ITAR jobs programs. Great quality but thousands for a run
3. Other shops that claim to produce pcbs but actually just farm them out to a partner in China and reship.
So even for protos China pretty much always wins.
As a price comparison, let's take an 8layer board I quoted through Screaming Circuits in the US. $4k.
PCBway can do the same board for a bit over $300.
Producing PCBs domestically in the US is a sad joke. There are only 3 types of fabs here:
1. Stuck in the 80s and can't do much more than 2 layers and 10/10mil
2. Super high-end govt contractor ITAR jobs programs. Great quality but thousands for a run
3. Other shops that claim to produce pcbs but actually just farm them out to a partner in China and reship.
So even for protos China pretty much always wins.
As a price comparison, let's take an 8layer board I quoted through Screaming Circuits in the US. $4k. PCBway can do the same board for a bit over $300.