> I am using Linux and trying to set up a systemd service that needs X to display a UI through VNC, how can I get the X authorization token in my systemd file
> I'm using python and my string may contain file paths inside, for example: (...) , For anything that looks like a filepath inside the string we should replace its full path, for example (..)
> Can you write me a python script to kill processes in Windows that no longer belong to a process named "gitlab"
> I want to write a test for it that mocks both sentry_sdk and LoggingIntegration so that I can give my own mocks during test
> I want to create a Python script
It should be able to be called from the command like, like below (example)
Write me the script
All real examples from last week that took me 1 minute to be solved instead of of googling or creating from scratch / thinking about it