One is a small company developing a city builder in Unity, the other are ex demoscene GPU gods building a custom state-of-the-art engine themselves. Nuff said!
Do people still trust CDPR? I bought 2020 when it came out and was incredibly disappointed at the unoptimised buggy shitshow that it was. I'd waited for it since it was first announced, and am even into the genre enough to feel a little angry buzz in the back of my head at how much that franchise (obviously including the RP game) rips off Stephenson/Gibson etc.
Have they pulled a No Man's Sky, since, or something?
REDengine doesn’t do multiplayer at the moment, but it could in the future if they kept developing it / more games with it. I’m sure they’ll make great games with Unreal too
Isn’t CD Projekt Red moving to UE5 for future titles? Shame, Cyberpunk was gorgeous - would have loved a multiplayer game with that engine.