A Logic Block that after manufacturing, does not pass all tests, would be sent a command that would cause only a single
individual Logic Block to become bricked. This is possible because both Programmable Read Only Memory Bits in a Logic Block
are at 1'b1 after manufacturing, so setting ProgrammableROM[0:0] to 1'b0 before setting ProgrammableROM[1:1] to 1'b0 would
brick a single Logic Block. However, a Logic Block that after manufacturing, passes all the tests, would instead have
ProgrammableRom[1:1] set to 1'b0 before ProgrammableRom[0:0] is set to 1'b1, which would prevent itself from becoming bricked.
Basically, setting ProgrammableRom[1:1] to 1'b0 before ProgrammableRom[0:0] is set to 1'b0 prevents ProgrammableRom[0:0] from
being set to 1'b0. A Logic Block that works but cannot prevent itself from being bricked will be bricked after manufacturing.
If, for any reason, a single individual Logic Block fails to be bricked, then all of its Neighboring Logic Blocks will be
bricked. If any one of its Neighboring Logic Blocks fail to be bricked... so on and so forth.
Each Logic Block contains four sides. A Logic Block can have one bit input from one side and three one bit outputs to three
other sides, two one bit inputs from two sides and one bit output to one of two non-input sides, two one bit inputs from two
sides and two one bit outputs to two of the non-input sides. A Logic Block can receive three one bit inputs from three sides
and output to the side that the BitForwardingOutput[1:0] value points to regardless of the Logic Block's
LUT2InputsAndOutputs[4:0] value and regardless of the Logic Block's BitForwarding[0:0] value. A Logic Block can receive one
three bit input from one side and two one bit inputs from two sides to receive an entire reconfiguration command. By default,
it is not in BitForwarding mode, meaning that BitForwarding[0:0] is set to 1'b0. After manufacturing, while BitForwarding[0:0]
is set to 1'b0, each Logic Block can perform one of 25 commands. After testing, each non-bricked Logic Block can perform one
of 23 commands when BitForwarding[0:0] is set to 1'b0. This is because two of the commands are ignored, the command that
bricks the Logic Block, and the command that prevents the bricking of the Logic Block, because after manufacturing and after
testing, a command was executed that prevented it from bricking itself. 21 of the working commands change the sram bits to
1'b0 or 1'b0, and 1 of the commands changes BitForwarding[0:0] to 1'b1. When in bit forwarding mode, if it receives a specific
command, it will set BitForwarding[0:0] to 1'b0 and forward the specific command to wherever BitForwardingOutput[1:0] points
to. A Logic Block can also have a five bit input from one side, which it can receive as either a command, or bit forward it
to wherever BitForwardingOutput[1:0] points to.
In short, a FPGA Architecture that works despite containing silicon defects and also has the feature of not requiring a
central reconfiguration register. This is more than just parallel reconfiguration, because one part of the FPGA can be
loading one bitstream while another part of the FPGA can be loading another bitstream. A reconfiguration bitstream
decompression soft core is possible.
Source code: https://pastebin.com/g7V2Q4nX
* Commands involving the changing of Sram bit values don't work.
* I wonder how to tell the OpenLane toolchain how to create a grid of Logic Blocks instead of just one. I would also have to
tell the OpenLane toolchain where the efabless bare die I/O pins are located and how to connect seven pins at a time to a
specific Logic Block.
* I also have to write a Verilog to bitstream toolchain and formally verify it.