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I have been writing a QML application the past couple of months. I have written a lot of real time C++ then tied it together with QML. It has given me a flexibility in how the components interact, being able to change functionality with little effort has allowed me to have low turn around when the design has evolved.

The application is such (embedded hardware with video playing) that not many solutions have both the agility and performance that QML offers me.

Gee sounds almost like marketing copy, but it is true!

Could the same thing be done using plain HTML inside a QWebView?

Honestly, I should probably look into it a little more before asking questions like these, but so far I've just got the impression it's not worth the time...

No, the same thing can't be done using plain HTML (+ Javascript and CSS). You can get result that visually and functionally looks the same but it will be very hard to get desired result (it is not worth the time), e.g. have you ever tried to get window height in HTML and do something with that? Actually I would love if I could use QML instead of HTML in browser in some cases. HTML and QML has quite different purpose: HTML is for documents that can be styled using CSS, while QML is for UI. Web apps could benefit from QML a lot if we could use it in browser. However I guess there is no interest for that most probably, because with FireFox you can write web apps using XUL for at least 6 years already (if not more) - the only problem is that apps will not be cross-browser.

You can expose any QObject to a QWebView, it shows up as a property of the window object. It's remarkably easy.

Exposing C++ objects to QML is blindingly fast and what's more it is well documented front and centre. The documentation is especially important as I am a contractor and I want to leave my client with a maintainable system.

How would you compare using QML to a Qt wrapper for a interpreted language, say python-qt / pyside ?

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