Works great, catchy tune, sounds like an Apple commercial.
* Worked on ipad 3 nicely
* Worked halfway thru on iphone 4s, it broke right before the Red line came in.
Is there a licence on the music? Is it stock music? The animation was nice. Does anyone where you can buy similar music like that for reproduction in startups videos.
it's likely only 1000 lines of less, sass, scss, or stylus which can be well organized into modules and output compressed css if bandwidth is a concern. It would also be possible to only deliver the css applicable to the user's browser (the vast majority of the lines are redundancies due to vendor prefixes). I don't see it being the case that you couldn't optimize the file size down to about the same size as the equivalent jQuery animation.
I have never work with anything you mentioned, and actually didn't ever felt that I need them.
While doing this one, I really understand that I need something to cut down code.
So definitely will use them next time!
Were you using a browser which supports hardware accelerated animations? On my Macbook Pro (last gen), my CPU mostly stayed around 10-15% when viewing the site with Safari.
Did you use a tool to output the CSS animation?