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Yeh this is mirroring other replies, but the 2 main things for me are:

1. Exercise, I used to run, but I find it much easier to go out for a cycle now, sports are also great

2. Some Perpective, The fact is if you dont finish X library or fix X bug, the world is going to keep spinning, I remember reading somewhere that its a pattern for people to make themselves feel incredibly busy almost entirely due to their ego, when you feel like you just have to get a bunch of stuff done you feel important. I noticed that in myself and when I looked at what I just needed to get done, most of it really didnt matter that much, I am now in the process of learning how to prioritise in a way that doesnt assume 200% of my time

> 2. Some Perspective

Indeed - Stressing out because you failed, for instance, (your own) deadlines is useless. The concept of a deadline is just too abstract for your mammalian brain for the stress to have any useful impact. I used to get very stressed over deadlines, thinking that the stress would help me align better, at least next time.

Turns out that not stressing out had only a single result: I was stressed out less often. Just the thing I wanted to achieve by stressing out more. Brains are weird, but sometimes they are just bloody simple.

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