I would like to emphasize his point. When we get into a digital only currency world, you are loosing control. He is giving a real life example. Nothing hypothetical. Think about blocked - without given reason - Google accounts and such. Could be you bank account, in the future, too!
The beauty of cash is that it is money, not merely pinky-promising to be money. The “cashless” world was supposed to prevent fraud but clearly it doesn’t work. Instead we’re moving into a world of reputation and heuristics, with implications down to the level of individuals and small businesses.
I don’t particularly like to carry cash. But being shadow banned from existing by deliberately obscured algorithms could be much worse.
Counterpoint: My dad sold a lot of pot in the 80s, and subscribed to High Times Magazine. They had an ad for a board game called "Dealer McDope", and he mailed an order for it with (naturally) cash, and waited. Eventually, he gets a reply in the mail: "No money, no game!" He was pissed.