The top comment there from AnIdiotOnTheNet clearly explains why the complaints aren’t “horseshit”.
As far as I can tell, no progress has been made in the last two years (since the problem is organizational, not technical, and the wayland architecture would have to drastically change to meet user expectations).
LOL, that was a great read. The more things change, the more they stay the same!
It reminded me of the WinModem times or the OSS -> Alsa times, and countless others. Oh my I've been around Linux for more than 30 years now.
It's always the same: "If it doesn't work, it's not the fault of the thing that doesn't work, it's always the fault of the [user/modem manufacturer/soundcard manufacturer/WiFi manufacturer/etc]"
As someone wrote in the article you linked: Most people don't care whose "fault" it is, they just see it is a problem with the Operating System. Can't share my screen on Chrome Ubuntu? sorry, in Mac/Windows I do it with one click, and without tinkering.
Wayland is yet another example of "tech guys" doing stuff without proper Product development. If Wayland was developed say, inside Apple or Microsoft, it would go form "what can people achieve" to "how can we make them do it in 2023" and not "X is old and ugly, let's create something new and shiny"
It's OK, it is Libre and Gratis. It is people doing it in their free time and they are free to do whatever they want. They just shouldn't expect everyone to agree with their approach.
"I'm tired of this anti-Wayland horseshit ("