Adding to the recommendations for other languages you're already getting on this thread: have you tried Rust? It's type system and syntax are very similar to Swifts. You do have to deal with the borrow checker, but that typically isn't too challenging for backend web development work where logic tends to be pretty linear anyway, and in return you get a much more developed ecosystem.
Maybe I just haven't looked at the right codebases, but most of the Rust I've seen reminds me more of C++, being more dense, technical, and "noisy". The language most similar in syntax to Swift I've seen is Kotlin, but it's still more quirky and rigid than Swift is.
I think this does a disservice to Rust, but I do agree with the thrust of your point. Rust appeals to my desire for perfect engineering, Swift appeals to that side enough, but with a healthy dose of pragmatic engineering. On a perfect to pragmatic scale, Swift is in a better place than Rust in my opinion.