I haven't been a dev in a bit, but I'd say between having a longer variable name, and having to crack open the fucking dictionary.... I have a clear preference.
You can apply this logic to anything. If you were working on database software, would you make a variable transactionId or idOfGroupOfStatementsThatMustBeExecutedAtomically ?
I was thinking along these lines when I wrote my post... I think there's some domain knowledge that can be expected. A DB dev is probably expected to know what an "id" is. But probably 99.9999999% of devs even working with the address book APIs can't be expected what to know what "BiaoMei" is unless they are Chinese to begin with.
If you're working in a domain when you need to care about Chinese kinship relationships then it's just as reasonable to expect you to know what "biao mei" means as it is to expect a DB engineer to know about transactions.