One nice thing about D3 is their selector engine supports the SVG namespace across all the browsers. Whereas Jquery has to be monkey patched and you're stuck at v1.6.1.
is that a photoshop mockup for the screenshot, or popups appearing outside the browser chrome a safari feature? if that's the actual screenshot that's pretty sweet.
Nah, that was something doctored up by a designer. Don't think you can get that without doing some manual popup window manipulation, which is really ugly in its own right.
Yea, sorry - thought about adding a simple lightbox, but most of our posts on that blog don't have any images. The full-size img is there, just right click and "open image in a new tab".
I love d3. Mike Bostock does great work and the flexibility of the d3 library really makes it super-powerful. The fact that it doesn't work lt IE9, however, makes it unusable for me at work. Most people on corporate networks (at least in my experience) are running win xp with ie8. Once we move everyone to win7 I should be able to start pushing out some great analytics based on the d3 library. looking forward to it!
Thank you! D3 does work in IE9, provided <!DOCTYPE html> to put IE9 in standards mode. Did you mean to say IE8? IE8 and below do not support SVG, so D3 is unsupported on those versions.
It doesn't, but you can get a comparable experience by pairing it with svgweb and some javascript extension functionality (i believe map and forEach off the top of my head). You can't do as much, but you can get pretty close. I've been using it for work and hope to have it in a shareable format at some point.
Interesting. I can't imagine svgweb runs fast or well though. What about just binding data to HTML using IE8? You can make some creative graphics with absolutely positioned divs.