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Nanofiche: Small Storage, for Forever (archmission.org)
226 points by Paul-Craft 12 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 143 comments

In the book "Death's End" by Cixin Liu, the final book of the "Three Body Problem" trilogy - they explore the problem of data storage that has to last for millions of years.

In their case they end up having a "Museum of Humanity" that exists in man-made caves in Pluto specifically meant to merely have information carved into the walls as all digital and other physical formats weren't deemed sufficient.

I suspect these data formats are similarly not sufficient.

That portion of the books didn’t seem too well reasoned. Digital encoding with high redundancy error correction and carved into walls would be superior to analog encodings for long term archival IMHO. Though more difficult to decode, any aliens advanced enough to reach it could reverse engineer it.

Analog text is already very redundant in the same manner as digital ECC. Letters mostly are different from other letters, and usually a single corrupt letter is obvious and one can tell what the author meant.

Digital ECC adds an extra layer, but analog text is still pretty good.

It's not good since it's not dense

It's not dense because of all the error correction.

The neat thing about sci-fi is that they are fiction first and science second. This makes them enticing to enjoy but not mundanely realistic enough to be actual real life guidance. Good to keep in mind.

Not that their imagination can't be your guide. Worked for satellites, worked for 1984.

When did Tsiokolvsky become a sci-fi author?

The things in 1984 are the natural outcome of a totalitarian authority seeking control. Orwell simply made his predictions on a phenomenon that existed.

> Worked for satellites,

Nice example!

> ... worked for 1984.

Another nice example, but ouch, that hurt.

One thing I was curious about in that post I didn't catch was what kind of reader they would need. I've been a bit curious about the state of microfiche readers in the recent past, and going much denser is going to require even more niche fiche reacher. I mean reader. They list the unusual machine as a downside for microfiche, but don't mention what kind of machine they'll need.

In the FAQ on https://nanofiche.com/services/ they claim that a microscope should be sufficient to retrieve the engraved information.

The numbers suggest a ~1000:1 reduction in scale so a 1000x optical microscope should be more than sufficient. But finding the information you are searching for at that scale sounds difficult unless pages are indexed and numbered in both the x and y axes.

As with microfiche, it seems like the page number should be sufficient as long as you know how many pages per column or row.

> The only sure-fire way to guarantee that important information can be recovered in the event of a catastrophic event, is to back it up with specialized archival media that are designed to survive and be recoverable, even without access to computers and electronics.

I mean, I guess you don't need a computer to read this, but you sure do need a good microscope.

I guess I'm not really entirely sure of the point. If you're really trying to preserve basic knowledge to restart civilization, I'd think you'd want libraries of full-size readable books spread across the world. Not something that requires you to first build a microscope.

While if you're trying to store as much historical and technological data as possible, it seems like you'd want to encode it digitally with error correction codes, not as optically readable text. The encoding/decoding instructions can easily fit on a single cover page, optically encoded.

You're focusing on how hard it will be to read but the central thrust is whether it is recoverable at all.

Can't read what no longer exists, by any means.

Paper disintegrates without maintenance. Tape disintegrates. Hard drives lose magnetization. SSDs lose their charge states. Stone erodes. Several of these won't survive fire, water, magnetic fields, or radiation.

Also, I don't see why you couldn't store digital data on this, for example as pits and lands, or base 64 text, or some other scheme, with error correction of your choice. (But if it's as durable as they say, it's not as necessary.) But, that requires additional effort to decode.

I enjoy research into highly stable means of storing data. I think Microsoft Research was developing a technique of storing data in a 3D arrangement in glass. Very fascinating.

> Paper disintegrates without maintenance. Tape disintegrates. Hard drives lose magnetization. SSDs lose their charge states. Stone erodes. Several of these won't survive fire, water, magnetic fields, or radiation.

Computers, peripherals, microscopes, and any other devices needed to access some incredibly durable archival format will also degrade. The information needed to produce new ones will need to be archived, and that material will degrade and need archiving.

Do you know how much information is necessary to describe all of the details relevant to producing an extremely good microscope from scratch? It's not just the parts and materials, it's the entirety of the supply chain: the mining, refining, electronics, power production, and everything else. All of that information needs to be accessibly preserved.

So it begs the question, is it really easier to make the prerequisite for the information's use be a working precision instrument or is it easier to just actively maintain lots of copies of less durable materials like books?

If the sky falls tomorrow, how many years is some archive really useful for in any format? Most of a sturdy, well-designed library of books will probably survive for a decade. A good percentage will probably survive a century. On the other hand, a high precision microscope probably won't "just work" after a decade or two of sitting around disused in unideal conditions. A working power supply would probably last even less time.

We must accept that there's some ongoing upkeep of an archive regardless of how durable its contents are. And while a book isn't as durable as some quartz or other fancy material, you can pretty easily make books to replace old ones even in pretty miserable conditions (we did it for centuries, albeit at great cost). There's a remarkably high cost to making sure there's a working microscope around, and keeping the information and resources necessary to make new ones and repair existing ones available.

I think it would be reasonable to store a fixed-focus compound microscope as part of your archive. That's basically a tube and a couple of lenses, and it gets you to 500x right off the bat.

But if you want to be doubly sure, include instructions for making a hand lens at 1x, and instructions for making a microscope at 5x.

We've been able to manage to make very good microscopes for quite a while. It won't take much more than industrial revolution level tech for this to work

If you have industrial revolution tech, you can already maintain and mass produce libraries of books. Probably quite easily.

What about all the information that was lost in the meantime, because you weren't maintaining it then?

The counterpoint is the same: what happens to all the nanofiche disks next to a pile of crushed microscopes that were destroyed when the roof fell in? In one case, the information which mattered to the people at the time persisted. In the other, no information persisted.

The whole point is that the operation persists for longer than a human lifespan. If we have to rediscover 100 years of making lasers and rockets, who cares? If we have to rediscover 2000 years of agriculture and medicine, that's a problem.

Maybe it would be possible to make the archive in "stages"? Like the first stage is readable without any equipment and describes how to make equipment to read the next stage. Repeat until you have a high-precision microscrope and can read the nanofiches.

> We must accept that there's some ongoing upkeep of an archive regardless of how durable its contents are.

That's a good point too. Archiving is a living process.

I love the "theory" that optical media, especially the golden DVDs will be readable in "100 years" or whatever hilariously optimistic length of time claimed. Sure, DVDs and even CDs i have carefully stored in a humidity controlled environment worked the last time i checked, there's always the risk that the next time i pull them out of storage they won't. I think blu-ray is claimed to be even longer than DVD for storage, and i guess it makes sense in theory, the QC/QM needed to pack 120GB on a 12cm disc must be wild.

I have books on my bookshelf that are older than 100 years old. I don't think 100 years is even that much to ask, seeing as i know who William Shakesman and Chaucer are.

I'm in a unique position, though - my music is on an SD card traveling in space right now, thanks to some attentive friends who petitioned to get me on there. Or so i'm told. How would i know, my spaceship is in the shop.

plastic media optical disks don’t last 100 years, but glass media optical disks do. They exist. My family’s small business used to sell, refurbish, and maintain big jukeboxes for 12 inch Write-Once, Read-Many glass optical disks (in these big minidisc-like cartridges) for customers like big banks that needed guaranteed 50 year archives.

have you ever read a disk that was 50 years old?

The tech isn’t yet 50 years old, although accelerated aging is a well-understood field and the margins are good for glass media. However, the tech is 30-40 years old and the early disks ARE still readable.

You're understating how long good-quality paper will last. Proper archival paper lasts hundreds of years without fading or discolouration—we have no idea what the upper limit on its lifetime is.

And, in practice, it doesn't matter whether the storage medium can't be read because it's damaged or because the machine to read it doesn't exist anymore. Either you can read it or you can't.

Of course it matters a great deal - you can build the machine again

Not necessarily. You can't just build a high-powered microscope out of twigs and leaves. You need sophisticated manufacturing tools. Mineral resources. Where are we going to encode the knowledge of how to build or acquire these things, if already having them is a prerequisite for accessing any of our records? Either you can read it—i.e. it is intact and you have the means to access the information stored inside—or you can't.

> Where are we going to encode the knowledge of how to build or acquire these things, if already having them is a prerequisite for accessing any of our records?

It's not a prerequisite, you can have a smaller batch of knowledge on how to build the tools to access all the knowledge in various other more accessible systems.

Besides, you presuppose that just because there is no machine, there is also no knowledge re. how to build a machine and you only have twigs and leaves. That's a false universal assumption, you could just as well be in a situation where you don't have the machine, but you have tools and resources to build it. This is yet another difference to the "the medium is broken and can't be used" situation

"I think Microsoft Research was developing a technique of storing data in a 3D arrangement in glass. Very fascinating."

a-la Superman ?

If all you're trying to preserve is text, then a digital format would make sense. Just add "analog" images of unicode tables covering all used symbols, and any used error correction format.

But if this is trying to entice libraries with "replace your microfiche with this easier to maintain format, and do something for history while you are at it" then you need to store scans of newspapers, magazines, etc. Which probably means storing PNGs or similar. At that point, I'm not sure the capacity improvement over "analog" optically readable images is really worth the much more complex decoding setup.

Both for the library use case and for the "a civilization that might not speak our language wants to decode this" use case the complexity of the decoding setup is a major factor.

Since this is using halftoning and discrete dots, it's technically "digital". You could add some columns for error correction if you wanted.

Strictly speaking you only need books enough to teach the reader to build up to an optical 100x microscope and then use that to access the rest. Eventually you teach them how to build blue lasers and rockets to scan the silica bricks you engraved and stashed in a moon cave for "everything else".

How useful are books about building an optical 100x+ microscope from scratch to people who have survived a global catastrophic event? Relearning how to make blue lasers is probably extremely low on the list of priorities compared to, say, farming or desalinization. You'd be relying on a fairly niche group of apocalypse survivors to actively preserve the knowledge of microscope production so that someday in the not-very-near future someone might want to learn about quarks or sixteenth century music.

It makes a lot of sense to make the most useful information for apocalypse survivors the most accessible information. Just make books about that information and keep them maintained. Then there's at least incentive to keep the books protected and maintained.

Edit: it sounds like you'd probably need a 1000x to 10000x microscope to really read the nanofiche described in this article. So a potter's wheel is probably not sufficient. Plus, you'd need the materials and tools for working with glass, which might not even be feasible in an apocalypse.

An apocalypse is not a weird time reset. You still have giant glass furnaces and propane and even industrial control systems.

The tech that survives is probably an odd amalgamation, but chemistry is basically the thing you really want for society - antibiotics, explosives, and fuel.

How can you keep propane production, giant glass furnaces, and industrial control systems working but you can't maintain a few hundred warehouses of "normal" archival material? Or just continuing to print books?

The trick is that you would need to keep the archival material “continously” while the microscope tech can be lost, forgotten, rediscovered, and then used to read the material.

That is if you have a thousand year gap in your archival material warehouse maintenance the data is lost. If you have a thousand year gap in your ability to make microscopes the data will wait around patiently.

The point is that the time scale of "lost, forgotten, rediscovered" is perhaps orders of magnitude longer than it is to be useful for much of humanity. And you similarly need to cross your fingers and hope the facility isn't burned to the ground or blasted apart or whatever. An indestructible nanofiche disk at the bottom of a forgotten pile of rubble is going to do little good to anyone.

> And you similarly need to cross your fingers and hope the facility isn't burned to the ground or blasted apart or whatever.

Except you don’t need a “facility”. A lot of lot of knowledge fits on a bank card size nanofiche. You make ten thousand of them, and people put them away as best as they can. Some will melt in a fire, or get blasted apart, some will be burried and forgotten forever. But some will be more lucky, by just chance they will end up in an atick or crawlspace where nobody disturbs them.

Not counting that we can hide some of them in places where they are unlikely to be disturbed, such as place a few on the moon or place a copy on every single geo and lagrange point destined satelite. Heck, burry a few on a glacier and they will naturally re-appear in a few thousand years.

You can have a whole bunch of caches of preservation materials in a variety of formats. Clay tablets, nanofiche, laser etched silicon, etc.

I think its fine, microscopes are not that hard to make. If you have a potters' wheel and some abrasive you could work up to it. Small price for access to the old worlds' knowledge, certainly easier than building a record player like the voyager probe suggests xD

If you know what you're making, sure. Europeans kind of lucked out historically, since there was a lot of glass technology in the lead up to optics and then microscopes. Historical China got kind of fucked in that regard, since they did have mirrors, but porcelain was so good they never had to get into the glass part of the tech tree.

Oh… that’s interesting. I’ve never thought of that aspect of why maybe the industrial Revolution took off in Europe but not China. Lenses allowed the development of the telescope, reading glasses (extending working years of scientists and engineers, etc, enabling finer work on clockwork mechanisms), the sextant, the barometer (and thus the study of vacuum that led to steam engines), and the microscope. All that predated the industrial Revolution, laying the scientific groundwork for all that followed.

(Obviously things like that are multi-causal, but I had never heard that idea before, that the amazing porcelain of China kind of held back the development of glass and all its many, many applications.)

Yup. I've heard that the lack of easily navigable rivers and no coal to speak of caused more of an impact on china hitting industrial revolution before europe.

> If you're really trying to preserve basic knowledge to restart civilization, I'd think you'd want libraries of full-size readable books spread across the world. Not something that requires you to first build a microscope.

It's not an either/or though. Optimistically we'll be able to store all our collective knowledge in all accessible formats, digital / internet accessible, libraries, etc.

But nobody can see the future. Having this as a backup sounds great. Archive all of e.g. Wikipedia, put it in a time capsule along with a microscope and/or readable instructions on how to make one, make thousands of them and put them in landmarks, caves, monuments, dumb sattelites that are designed to land on ground in 10.000 years, the moon, around the sun with a homing signal (e.g. reflective surface since electronics won't work after 1000 years), etc.

A library can catch fire, the earth may get glassed in WW3, but surely some of these would then survive for future generations or alien archeologists in the millennia to come.

They're storing it on the moon. I think if you can manage to get to the moon, you'll be able to get a good enough microscope.

Plot twist: when they get to the location, they find a similar plate already there from the last time earthlings climbed out of the mud.

And after decoding and translating it starts with "We're no strangers to love..."

…but the reading device (not a microscope but some unrecognizable tech) did not survive.

> not a microscope but some unrecognizable tech

But that is the beauty of a microscope. It is not some “unrecognizable tech”. Seeing tiny things in detail is a basic skill many new civilisations can re-discover on their own. It doesn’t matter if it is our human descendants, smart octopuses or the silurians. They will be interested in seeing tiny things and thus they will construct their equivalent of microscopes.

The important thing is sign-posting. How will they know where to look?

Why would octopuses be interested in seeing tiny things?

If they develop a civilization, they'll want to develop technology that requires tiny parts (e.g. computers).

Any decently-designed library like this is going to have some type of easily-read instruction sheet that shows how the bulk of the data is encoded and how to read it, perhaps with plans for a device to do so.

Yes but it is very possible such a README does not survive, is lost, or separated from the library.

is it a tall, black obelisk?

In a "humanity collapse" scenario, for surviving humans it would be much much much more valuable to have 'reboot instructions' for hunter-gatherer to industrial society, than beyond.

Of course you'd want to do both (early steps, and advanced knowledge).

And there will be various kinds of low-hanging fruit, to propel newly-industrialized society into the space faring internet age. Skipping resource-wasting, fossil burning stages entirely.

As for culture (novels, music, games, software, movies, etc): who cares, whatever makes it through the bottleneck in whatever way, shape or form.

The "Zones of Thought" series explored this. It was well-understood that societies could easily collapse and would need to start over from scratch repeatedly, particularly in the slow zones of the galaxy where advanced AI and FTL weren't possible.

When we reached the Moon in 1969, could we have read it?

Yes, extremely easily.

Microscopes are old tech. The first ones were constructed in around 1600.

I could imagine a safe the size of a gun safe completely containing a nano-fiche machine and all of the information on Wikipedia today. This isn’t a hard problem.

The hard problem is meting through the information. Fast, contextual search is probably the most important development we have today and you can’t really replace it with anything but tons of compute and digitization. Big ass physical libraries don’t solve this either.

Wikipedia doesn't nearly store as much information as you might think. It's basically the intro 101 on all subjects, but it barely scratches the surface of serious scientific fields. They have a million articles. A large science publisher has more than that for its journals, and there are many large publishers.

> The hard problem is meting through the information.

It doesn’t have to be an instanteous thing. Just think of how much time schollars spend on deciphering papyrus fragments. If we would have a nanofiche of the contents of the library of Alexandria multiple departments would spend multiple lifetimes reading and contextualising it.

On their site they have a photo of

> Wikipedia printed on a nickel book with each leaflet holding 8,000 pages

It's tiny...


(mostly joking) On the downside, it makes it really really hard to find post-apocalyptic evidence of alien species, from the other side of the universe.

"Sir, we've set up our 3 kilometre array of precisely calibrated space telescopes, capable of detecting the slightest wobble in the deep space radio frequencies, and automatically translating all possible alien languages!"

Aliens: No bueno. You'll actually need to find the 1 millimetre disc of quantum-lithographed Nickel buried on one of our physical moons, 1000 light years from your location. There, you'll find our entire history and knowledge! Enjoy! ;)

I mean, if you have the tech developed enough, you could etch such information on every rock you come across. With something like nano-machines or GMO'd bacteria. Probably have some info in the machines/bacteria anyway, but basic text but small would probably be more discoverable.

Imagine a stretch of desert extending past the horizon in all directions, each grain of sand containing a wikipedia-worth of information, mostly redundant. Hopefully useful, and not maddening like the monolith from 2001.

If you're in a scifi movie and you find a monolith, it's probably gonna be a hassle!

Related is Microsoft's Silica which is storing 7TB on square quartz glass platters.


Long-term archival storage is going to be an important industry as our data volumes grow.

Is this being actively used outside of Microsoft? I remember reading that the film industry has groups who do effectively nothing but copy films from one storage technology to another because of the size of their archives means there is always something stored on too-old media.

My favorite head slapping dumb part about Microsoft’s Silica is the goofy little robots that are the only means to find unlabeled, unadorned identical glass slabs. No human readable filing system, no cartridge to protect the 7TB slab from falling and breaking. Just a goofy awkward robot that will certainly be robust for, what was the number, 10,000 years?

I wish we could have something for ProSumer. Right now it is still NAS with ZFS / BTRFS, scrub, and replacing it every 5 years. And it is still quite expensive. ( Not to mention big / bulky ). And the most important thing is that I own the data, not another storage inside the "Cloud".

Remember the times when the biggest disks were up to ~100GB and LTO tape could store 1.6TB (compressed, 800GB uncompressed)? That's 8 biggest hdds. And now? We have spinning hdds bigger than the biggest lto standard. Where is my 160TB lto tape?

It is sad there is no removable media other than maybe these few TB portable ssds that can be used for archival purposes. I _still_ have my commodore 64 datasette tapes as well as floppies from the start of the pc era(for me).

Even for the prosumer there were iomega drives. Now, one is supposed to use (and trust in) the cloud. Bonkers.

>Where is my 160TB lto tape?

Exactly! Or where is the affordable 1-5 TB Tape?!

And worst of all SSD is not reliable. And apart from an over supply market where prices have fallen to record low we are at right now. NAND cost wont be dropping much in the near future.

Apart from big Enterprise, most smaller shops dont know and cant afford to do storage / backups.

I'm surprised we don't have OTP SD cards. Wouldn't that be good for a few hundred years in theory?

> Long-term archival storage is going to be an important industry as our data volumes grow.

Unless you care about reading your data, as then it won't be important. Let me know when tape starts taking more of the global storage market share. It's a super mature, functional, and far higher performance storage media, and it's total percentage of global bytes shipped dwindle.

I assume glass storage would degrade under radiation which is why they want to use nickel on the moon. Silica is cool for earth though.

Isn't the moon slated to [on an extremely long-term basis, not quite red-dwarfed-Sun timeline] eventually escape Earth's gravity?

Don't drop one!

I don't like this article. Especially the section titled "what is Nanofiche" which then lists some information about the pyramids and volatility of digital information with no mention of what Nanofiche is (although it is explained elsewhere). Plus there's no mention of how do you actually retrieve the archived information. Microfiche was developed alongside machines for scanning and retrieving data with some efficiency (despite being a mostly manual process). Nanofiche has no such proposition except sort of leaving the reader to visualize themselves over some kind of microscope.

“How long does Nanofiche last?” Proceeds to write 2 paragraphs that don’t answer the question.

Are there actually any live projects to use technology like this to create many distributed copies of information to "survive the fall of civilisation" etc?

I know the Long Now foundation has the Rosetta project but that doesn't seem very live. It would seem straightforward to use technology like this to create 10,000 copies of something that could be widely distributed.

They did. The long now used it about a decade ago.

But the Long Now project seems to be dormant. I'm looking for a live project that is doing this. Or maybe we could start one.

That’s par for the course for the Long Now. It’s basically a bunch of rich folks circle jerking themselves as a hobby.

Don’t get me wrong: love the goal. Practically tho it’s basically just nerd hobby projects

Given the long term focus of the Long Now project, wouldn't it be expected to look dormant?

This would be more useful if you could buy a device that writes it. I had to go look up the patents. It's a process similar to the way stamped Blu-Ray and DVDs are made. There's a laser process to make the stamping die, then a stamping process for production.

Could this be done in one step?

Patents are from 2010 - 2014. For most people, I guess the technology would be available to use in 2034?

One day this tech will be available to regular people.

The LongNow used it for some random codex & then seems to have dropped it. Last I saw it was mostly used by one single jeweler, bizarrely.

Good luck finding a nanofiche “reader” in a couple of thousand years :-)

People nowadays are struggling to find devices (and software drivers) to read old formats/mediums from a few decades back, imagine how difficult it’s going to be to find a working nanofiche device and support for it under Windows 9000 in the year 9000AD.

I like the idea, the nickel based storage medium, the improvements in capacity and all the other advantages listed, but I don’t like the proprietary technology.

>>>Good luck finding a nanofiche “reader” in a couple of thousand years :-)

A nanofice "reader" is literally just a microscope, isn't it?. Probably a very good microscope, which may or may not be difficult, given the technology of the time, but generally thought to be understandable. You'd store a bunch of this 'nanofiche' in a place, and have some diagrams/example documents with small text getting smaller and smaller and smaller, and the curious people/aliens would (hopefully) understand the idea, know enough about optics to magnify, and boom, they've got the data.

i love this idea of storing a trail of smaller and smaller data, almost forcing them to invent microscopes to keep reading...

"Hurry up with that new microscope! I need to find out what happens to Frodo!"

Frylock, don't touch my computer

why force them, when you can teach them? Lay the basics of geometry, optics, glass etc. is human readable format, with ever smaller fonts.

From the looks of the page, that would be a microscope. The digital format would be hard but if they are actual pages of text then its very possible, and the text could provide decoding instructions.

Etched nickel fiche sheets, 2000 pages per square cm.

Their math is erroneous. They claim at, 300 dpi, a capacity of 300,000 analog images, per letter size sheet of Nanofiche, and at 600 dpi a capacity of 150,000 images. But the jump from 300 to 600 dpi requires four times (not two times) the capacity. So they probably can store only 75,000 images at 600 dpi.

Remember it's analog tech. Perhaps the 150dpi mode doesn't fully exploit the resolution of the material and the higher modes do?

I could imagine they would not want to make a single page too small (makes the readers more complex) so perhaps they draw the low-res images a bit bigger than needed.

And people assume DPI and LPI (lines per inch, the vertical) are the same but there’s no reason they have to be.

What other options are there? M-discs are supposed to last up to 1000 years: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M-DISC

I wonder if this could be used for digital tech too. Though I assume the density would be pretty low then compared to other optical methods like Archival Blu-Rays. The longevity however is much higher if it really is as promised.

"It also worth noting that Nanofiche primarily stores data in analog format, but can also be used to encode digital data for archival preservation as well — either as analog images of digital bitmaps, or in native digital formats (such as DVD format)". Does not say at what density.

I think my only exposure to this tech has been X-Files.

X files was microfiche

How expensive is it to produce? Is it overwritable?

That seemed a bit over exhuberant I think. The problem is that to test the hypothesis will take a really long time.

> We build and maintain ultra long-term data storage archives called Arch Libraries (pronounced “Ark”).

It's hard to take someone seriously when they claim to be acting on behalf of all humanity then immediately does something as pretentious as this. Probably made for the same kind of elitist types who like to spit on you as they try to demonstrate how they can pronounce "LaTeX" correctly.

Annoying yes, but if the technology works, who cares. Does it work though? I can't tell from this article.

Neat, I'm regularly impressed with what people come up with. I wish I'd have such smart ideas!

Why not just store it on the cloud?

I’m just trying to think what’s important enough to want to store forever.

I wish the articles would use bytes as an information storage measure.

> For example a 20 x 20 mm nickel Nanofiche sheet can hold up to 8,000 pages of text rendered at 150 dpi.

All this depends on the font used, and what kind of information is stored. But using lorem ipsum, and Verdana, and only uppercase characters, spaces, and periods, I found that you can fit about 49,500 characters in a letter format page at "150 dpi" [0]

This is 396 million characters in a 2 x 2 cm sheet. The Latin ASCII alphabet has 26 letters, but in my experiment, there were commas and periods. Though at the resolution I used, commas and periods would be difficult do differentiate if there was almost any degradation or printing error. So let's say it's a 27 character set. Maybe we can stick a few more numbers or symbols in there to get to 32, although some numbers like 1, 0, and 5 look like letters, so not all would be usable at this resolution.

If each character can represent 32 states, that is equivalent to 5 bits per character. 5 x 396 million is 1.98 short billion bits. That is 247.5 million bytes. Or 247.5 megabytes. This is in 4 square centimeters, so the data density is about 61.9 megabytes per square centimeter.

If we give up human readability and the text would be regular language (according to Zipf's Law), we could expect up to 0.2 compression ratios. Or 310 megabytes per square centimeter. On the other hand, we could then use quite dense data storage methods like barcodes. But these calculations are a bit pointless because this is meant to be read without a computer.

A DVD has a readable surface area of about 89.2 square centimeters on each side (some DVDs are multi-sided) and 4.7 to 8.5 gigabytes of storage in that space. So it stores between 54 and 97.6 megabytes per square centimeter.

For storing plain text, it might be on the same order of magnitude in terms of space efficiency as a DVD, but it is human-readable. If the data is not human readable, then it could be at least 5 times more efficient than a DVD. Which is closer to a Blu-ray disk.

Back-of-the-napkin, might contain errors, many assumptions made. The goal is to understand the order of magnitude with some errors. In short - it looks like it's not 100x more or less efficient than writing a plain text file to a DVD.

P.S. I chose Verdana as it was a quite legible sans-serif font. I then created a texture of random black and white pixels, and applied it at 25% opacity to simulate a significant degree of printing error at the supposed resolution they can print at. The font at the chosen size remained just about legible with that kind of interference [1]. The exception is periods and commas, which are difficult to tell apart. That is why I considered them one character before. Making the font even 10% smaller would make it really difficult to read. This is all not grounded in any technique or proper estimation method, I just wanted to show why it seems like going smaller might be difficult.

[0] https://i.imgur.com/Pi8acSk.png [1] https://i.imgur.com/stFkXQy.png

Now vacuum cleaners will become weapons of massive destruction!


It's really weird to me that this can be patented. Not that it's a bad patent, I just thought people had been doing nanometre scale photolithography with other metals for decades.

Seems a terrible patent:

1)Demonstrably no novelty whatsoever. "My device does what they do just a bit smaller" isn't novelty unless the processes themselves are some kind of breakthrough which these clearly aren't.

2)Not being obvious is one of the conditions for a patent is the US[1]. It seems you could make a strong argument for this being obvious in the sense that

a)it is. "We have a thing that stores information by making it small. We want to store more information... I know let's make it smaller." is definitely an obvious chain of reasoning

b)to make it more obvious they even helped your argument by naming their thing after the one that's a bit bigger and just changed the name to the next engineering prefix down in scale.

3)Very clearly undermines their whole facade about doing something for the benefit of humanity.

[1] https://www.uspto.gov/patents/basics/essentials

Patented means it will have lower adoption and fail to store info that will be essential to capture on time

IBM made a 3 atom wide transistor about 23 years ago, and just for fun constructed a model of the USS Enterprise from Star Trek (and no, i don't know which one, but i'd assume the one from TOS) out of atoms. Then they patented it and tucked it away in their vaults.

Lots of small steps like this get patented and have to be challenged in court before they're released.

Hear me, and hear me clear:

Fuck any proprietary format trying to own the ability to recover history.

It's not a proprietary format is it? Just a proprietary method of printing. It's just written text (format). Though I agree it should be simply open license.

Why is this getting downvoted?! This is absolutely detrimental to any future history!

Largely because there's nothing proprietary about the format, and even less about recovering data from it because you just look at it under a microscope.

Don't worry, I'll emotionally recover.

In one thousand years, any format will be proprietary.

over the years i have come to feel the best preservation of information is not actually technology, it is culture. instilling the cultural value of respect for knowledge and history is the only actual way that knowledge gets preserved.

we go through cycles of anti-intellectualism as a species and the anti-intellectuals will always find a way to attack knowledge regardless of technology used to preserve it. if you carve stones, they will break them. if you write books they will burn them. if you make an internet they will firewall it or buy it or sue it. if you put plates of nickel on the moon, they will figure out how to go there, dig it up, and destroy it too. but most of all what they do is attack the idea of the intellectual as valuable to society.

Look at how we treat Aaron Swartz and Alexandra Elbakyan. We treat them like criminals, while people who jail and murder intellectuals we call leaders and presidents. We live in an anti-intellectual era right now.

Not that it is not important to try. but there are some problems we cant solve by tech alone. We have to figure out what is wrong with us, as a species, that we constantly try to destroy our own knowledge.

Is it even desirable to store data for millennia? What's wrong with humans wanting to destroy knowledge?

As you said culture is probably the best method of preservation. But still fallible, and this may be a good thing!

You have to be extremely skeptical of anyone who claims they are doing something for the good of humanity but then gates their tech behind a patent.

I find this to be an odd take on a VC forum. It’s obviously marketing and mission branding, which is only natural in an age where we as employees flock to noble missions. I work in an investment bank as an example, but our investments go into building/running/improving green energy plants, so while our main mission is to make investors richer we do it by building a better world.

I’m not sure I would’ve marketed it exactly this way. But this is because I spent almost a decade in the Danish public sector and I know how revolutionary long term storage will be for public recording. Right now we spent a very high amount of resources on the maintenance of data records that are rarely accessed but are important to public history, accountability and many social sciences. If you could sell those recording organisations a medium that didn’t need near constant maintaining it would free up a lot of resources. Still, maybe it’s a good choice for a company mission considering my earlier points as this tech will essentially sell itself. If it works as well as it’s sold in this article.

In the content of hacker news, however, why wouldn’t you expect this to be meant to make its investors money?

I don't expect it to make its investors money because most VC-style startups don't make money and also because it seems to me to be kind of a dumb idea for a few reasons.

1)Maybe I'm wrong but I don't think their IP has any kind of protectable moat. I really can't see that patent surviving any sort of challenge. So if tehy figure out a business model that works it will get cloned cheaper.

2)It's an actuarial fact that people overpay for insurance relative to expectation but here they are essentially selling a partial mitigation for a very high severity very low probability event[1]. So the expectation is very low and is highly subject to model calibration error. Potential customers are not going to value this well and I don't see people paying them enough to stay in business.

I could easily be wrong about both of those things.

I know about selling the mission "Making the world a better place with extensible mobile, social, local middleware APIs" etc as I think the TV show "Silicon Valley" parodied it. Just in this case I dont' really see either the mission or the commercial reality making much sense.

It's interesting that the board of advisors has Ben "I'm gonna bring the mammoth back to life" Lamm and David "Make the statue of Liberty disappear" Copperfield on it. So they've got Barnum and Bailey going for them at least.

[1] "I'm selling you a backup that would survive even if humanity gets wiped out" isn't a business proposition. Noone cares about what their backups do under those circumstances so they won't pay for it.

Plus I thought stuff like that was done decades ago. There was a place you could send your docs to be microscopically engraved on a nickel disc.

This goes back to 1995 or so: https://rosettaproject.org/

That's a tradeoff, 20 years protection vs 50 000 000 years protection.

> For example a 20 x 20 mm nickel Nanofiche sheet can hold up to 8,000 pages of text rendered at 150 dpi.

How do we expect someone will be curious enough or have right gear to read these sheets?

> How do we expect someone will be curious enough or have right gear to read these sheets?

~.1 micron. Pretty small feature size. Typical letters might be 30 by 15 dots in a 10pt font with their 150DPI assumption. But it's not -that- exotic.

A cheap compound optical microscope might do .4 micron, resulting in letters being 8 times and 4 times the spatial resolution. This is in the range where things are slightly annoying in fuzziness but still easily legible.

My crappy LCD microscope for my classroom cost about $50 and has a resolution of roughly 1 micron. It could probably read, with difficulty, 12pt text.

Guess you could include instructions for building the right gear on a larger version of nanofiche, readable with the unaided eye... (1m x 1m?)

it just needs analog magnification, so very achievable.

i'm more worried about how scratch or defect resistant it is, given the small feature size. if you have to store it in some kind of case to protect against scratches, then how long does the case last? do you have to do this in ultra clean room conditions, to prevent fungus etc from being encased with it?

Biological factors are pretty unlikely to be a concern on the moon :)

Space fungus is a thing.


> In 1988, astronauts aboard the now-retired Russian space station Mir realized that something had blanketed one of their windows — from the outside. [...] This fungi had managed to adapt to the space environment, and so well that it not only survived but thrived on windows, control panels, air conditioners and cable insulators. It even contaminated the crew's precious food and water supply.

Not a one-time event.

The ISS goes to great lengths to support life in space – it's just hard to be selective about which types of life.

So unless the nanofiches are somehow stuck to the heat exchanger of a secret lunar base or similar, I'd assume that they would go biologically inert (or at least dormant) very quickly.

I think the problem with the moon as a storage location is getting the archive to the moon in good shape and then retrieving it to recover the knowledge post whatever cataclysm caused all the primary sources to be lost. On their website they even say the archive is "believed to be on the surface of the moon". So maybe they have saved human knowledge and maybe they haven't and somehow post apocalypse people just have to figure out how to get to the moon and maybe it will be there waiting for them.

Doesn't seem tremendously reassuring.

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