Stop stressing about things you're not going to do anything about. Or become an amazing politician. There's also organisations like the EFF in the UK and other EU countries that are working diligently every day for you. Donate or even better volunteer.
Where you from? If in the UK: I saw a speech by these guys where they were relating how the whole of the UK was unable to edit Wikipedia because of one 'child porn' image and various other anti-digital laws (pretty certain it was them, do some research first though). They seem competent and actually talk to politicians and the big players. If you actually care that deeply do something.
Or start one. I helped start the Open Rights Group. We worked out that you could fund a single person's salary from monthly donations of around 1000 people. This was before Kickstarter or the current generation of equivalents, but we got a 1000 people to pledge using PledgeBank ( (which works anywhere). It was enough to get started.
It makes a difference. You could do it tomorrow. Anyone here could. Even if it's just a sideline to your business ideas, it'll help ensure that your business exists in a world you want to live in.