Thanks, I didn’t see those other dates. I was taking mine from the “closing arguments”:
> the web needs more weirdness. and more excitement. and more personality. SO GET OUT THERE AND MAKE A FUCKING DYNAMIC WEBSITE. THERE'S NOTHING STOPPING YOU. YOU WILL BE GLAD YOU DID. 10/10 WOULD RECOMMEND. WITH MUCH LOVE. JES ~2022-04-01
A lot of people here are criticizing this article as if they too hadn’t been through a phase like the author’s. I very much doubt it’s the case that the commenters have all been forever wise — that they have never had a partly formed, more naive, sophomoric era of their lives. A lot of people just aren’t brave enough to document them online. Kudos to JES for that, honestly.
i'm in my 30s & have been in tech for a decade, how long is this "phase" expected to last? ;)
> I very much doubt it’s the case that the commenters have all been forever wise
representing and sharing my internal, authentic self with the world _is wise_ imo. i think the world deserves more expressions of authenticity.
i don't stuff of my personality into a shoebox before presenting myself to the world on _my own website_. if it seems a little manic or expressive, well, that's because i am a little manic and expressive.
To be honest the next phase could well be described as old and boring. It’s certainly a phase in which the positive side is being more confident in oneself, but on the other hand being much less malleable to the dynamics of the world around you.
The next change will come from within so one could argue it’s almost deterministic from here onwards. Set your course well!
Thanks for pointing this out. I was unnecessarily harsh in my mind when reading this, and your comment reminded me of my own first websites. I still have them in my personal archives, and I'm very happy that the Internet Archive doesn't know anything about them.