How is this guy like 1000x more productive than a typical developer? Seriously, some business school should do a case study on him to figure out what he’s doing differently!
i imagine it's 1) he reports to himself 2) doesn't have 5 levels of product owners/project managers "figuring out what's best for the end user" that, often doesn't align with the end user's needs and 3) reports to himself
Yeah I’m sure that’s part of it. I think he’s also just ridiculously good at programming and knows how to squeeze every ounce of performance out of a WASM app. One thing he has going for him is that the app design was basically done already for him by hundreds of people over 20+ years to design the original Photoshop interface (he’s basically totally stealing all of that from some old version of Photoshop, maybe version 6 from 2000 or so). It’s still an absolutely insane amount of work though.
10x, sure. 100x, I know there are plenty of people like that across the whole world. I don’t think there are many 1000x devs, and it certainly does take a lot to get there!