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I don't get it. If you watch YouTube and don't want ads, just... pay for a subscription? It's like one Big Mac meal a month or something.

you don't get it because all complaints have never been about ads, they have always been about the entitlement to have FREE content WITHOUT Ads.

Now that they have the options of having paying content without ads they all come up with the same interpretation, another fake moral banner, that Google is trying to tell them what they run on their device, a very strange interpretation because the message is not saying that, the message is simply saying "you can run adblockers on your device, but then we as content providders will choose to limit your content."

Personally I use ad blockers not because I demand free content without ads, but because on the vast majority of the internet, paying for ad-free content isn't really a practical option, and the ads are over-the-top obnoxious: they massively slow down page load time, terribly interfere with the reading experience, spy and chase me around trying to sell me the things that I literally just bought, and are often laden with malware trying their best to break into my computer. I never minded simple banner ads, and I'd be happy to pay $20/mo to have all ads on the sites I'm browsing voluntarily go away; that includes on Facebook.

So yes, for some of us at least, it really was about ads.

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