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Hopefully it's time when PeerTube becomes more popular, like it happened (is happening) with Twitter and Mastodon.

Genuinely asking, how do you expect peertube to serve terabits-petabits of video every day? Who's gonna pay for this? Bandwidth is not free, nor are servers; Mastodon works because text is relatively cheap to serve, but video is not.

Nobody will need to serve terabits-petabits of video every day. PeerTube is distributed, and every instance only serves its own small share. There are already instances that take a small fee for usage, so you can be sure that they will not suddenly disappear.

There are also paid Mastodon instances, and I recommend to use those, if you care about your account.

There is a producer/consumer asymmetry here that I think limits the potential of this to prompt significant gains in PeerTube. ie video creators are less likely to be frustrated by an ad blocker blocker.

More importantly, content creators get paid by Youtube.

Popular creators can slowly move their audience to PeerTube by releasing videos on the latter a day earlier. AFAIK most of their income comes from sponsorship insets anyway.

Youtube pays literally billions of dollars a year to content creators. That ads up after a while.

I guess most of the money goes to top 5-10%.

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