If you're going to coexist with decimal, you're best off starting over with a distinct set of words.
For instance, scales have 12 notes, with seven common words for the notes (do, re, me, fa, so, la, ti). Add five more similar but distinct phonemes (go, ki, za, we, je) to insert at the position of the half notes skipped, shift la to position 1 since l looks conveniently like 1, and add nul for zero: nul, la, go, ti, do, ki, re, za, mi, fa, we, so, je.
Add in some rules for forming larger numbers (laj, goj, tij..., soj, jel, jel-la, jel-go..., jes-so, la-gross, la-gross-la, ...) and begin learning your addition tables over again (la plus la is go; go plus go is do; do plus do is mi; mi plus mi is doj).
For instance, scales have 12 notes, with seven common words for the notes (do, re, me, fa, so, la, ti). Add five more similar but distinct phonemes (go, ki, za, we, je) to insert at the position of the half notes skipped, shift la to position 1 since l looks conveniently like 1, and add nul for zero: nul, la, go, ti, do, ki, re, za, mi, fa, we, so, je.
Add in some rules for forming larger numbers (laj, goj, tij..., soj, jel, jel-la, jel-go..., jes-so, la-gross, la-gross-la, ...) and begin learning your addition tables over again (la plus la is go; go plus go is do; do plus do is mi; mi plus mi is doj).