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The article indicates there will be some exceptions:

> While it is primarily intended to allow for only fully electric cars, bigger vans with plug-in hybrid engines will also be allowed, and exceptions will be made for ambulances and police cars, as well as cars in which the driver or passenger has a documented disability

So I guess the imported soy lattes of those who made the rule changes are going to have a price increase due to delivery companies that need to upgrade their fleet. ;D

Amazon Logistics is in the process of going fully electric, as are others. The supply of EV and hybrid vans is there, the demand as well as soon as tze existing fleets are going to be replaced as usual.

You obviously don't know Sweden because Amazon is a very small player that just entered the market there and I don't think they make their own deliveries but rather uses already established delivery companies.

Belive me, I know the long story of Amazon and Scandinavia quite well. I took it more general, and used Amazon as proof that last mile deliveries are perfectly possible with EV vans.

I believe you and I think most last mile deliveries already is done with EV vans in Stockholm so maybe that is less of an issue, my answer was mostly a joke anyway.

I have nothing against EVs, in fact the opposite. But it's not the EVs that is the main issue with Stockholm. It's that you don't feel safe travelling in the public transport anymore and they are doing basically nothing to combat it.

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