A video that opens from a news helicopter and a reporter stating "we've been tracking him for ten minutes" that continues to track for another 3 or four minutes.
The police helicopter pulls off towards the end for lack of fuel .. and the news helicopter says that they are having trouble keeping up (despite having done so for at least 13 minutes).
I'm going to guess this is more a resources ran out thing than a car outran helicopter thing.
( FWiW "The speed of a police helicopter can vary depending on the make and model. However, most police helicopters have a top speed of around 130-145 miles per hour (209-233 kilometers per hour)."
The car was peaking at 110 mph, the helicopters may have been hitting headwinds, even so the statement was explicit that police helicopter had low fuel.
The police rig was probably easily keeping up - but was low on fuel, the news helicopter likely had less grunt and|or started to exceed budget burn rate | run low on fuel itself.
The follow through on that wasn't given but there's a fair chance the car was tracked down - being distinctive and the police capturing the plates.