It actually is, for exact URL matches: if you try to submit a URL that has a recent exact match, it will just redirect you to that submission instead of creating a new one.
No idea, I haven't ever intentionally tried to break it, I've just noticed it redirect me sometimes. I always clean my own links before attempting to submit.
It's mostly a tech-stack update, but it resolves some longstanding edge cases in the search UI as well. I'll try to get a changelog when we have it up and running.
I would guess it's not that people have "problems with questions", but are downvoting you for one or both of a) using multiple comments to ask the same question, and b) coming across as using a badgering tone, sounding entitled and complaining when you're talking to people who provide a free service to you, and acting like they owe you a comment reply rather than waiting for the change log they've said will be released when they're ready.
thanks for the answer. there seem to be assumptions
>>coming across as using a badgering tone, sounding entitled and complaining when you're talking to people who provide a free service to you<<
but your answer is genuinely more informative, and intellectually mature than a DV based on assumption of bad faith
+ it probably would have been usefull to let HN know that a maintainence cycle was incipient, this entire submission would probably not exist, and no left field attributions made.
Is that just a way to identify you are affiliated with it or do you guys actually call yourselves algolians inside the company?
Nonetheless, good work on the update and fixing it.
You are erroneously assuming that the update was for reasons visible to end users like you.
I am sure that Hacker News commenters are a vast mine of "Well, one day we were updating to the new machine to finally get rid of the one with the knackered RAID controller …" type anecdotes illustrating not only the other reasons that upgrades happen but also what can occur when they are performed.
I never said he did. Everyone is welcome to answer or not answer any question posed to them by strangers over the internet. I'm just curious and probably won't have a better opportunity to ask. It wasn't intended to be hostile
The search box at the bottom of HN still links to this subdomain which means that HN searches are currently broken. So, hopefully this is just a temporary glitch or oversight.
I was just about to reply that you can sort by date but it’s usually hidden in a menu somewhere, but just checked and it’s actually gone on both. WTF, I could have sworn this used to be available somewhere, just usually buried.
My best guess is that someone migrated DNS providers (or some engineer playing with infrastructure as code…) and it’s just an unintentional missing DNS record, oops.
To @dang or whoever is reading at Algolia: you can set up continuous monitoring for problems at the DNS/TCP/TLS/HTTP layers from just your URL at and we’d definitely alert you if the DNS record disappears or it’s otherwise unreachable for more than X minutes. (Email me if you need help getting it set up.)
Hmm, both are "possible but not implemented yet". The engineering approach that some of our users do is running their own custom monitoring script (checking TCP connections, checking against a dynamic list) on their own infrastructure, and then just use Heii On-Call to monitor (via Inbound Liveness heartbeats / checkins) and alert on (via Manual trigger type) that custom monitoring script. Feel free to email us at support-at-domain so we can try to understand the use case better.
Either someone forgot about the special algolia account for HN, or cost cutting, which idk why they would need to cut costs this much as they charge a lot of $$$$$ for their product.
I assume it was an error. I would also assume algolia provides search “for free” because it’s great marketing for them — the search works very well imo, and I only knew about it because of HN.
Good catch. I use regularly, hope it is not permanent.
Algolia is also a fairly great product for those who don't want to muck around building their own search. I hope this isn't them cutting off HN, as that would be a bad sign.
Algolia is also very pricey, especially for startups.
TypeSense offers almost matching capabilities and you can self-host its open source product in a pinch if you don’t want to spend time to build your own search.
Algolia cut SO many reasonably priced features and put them into much more costly price buckets - we're actively looking to move away from them if anyone has suggestions.
Nicolas, Bernadette, and Algolia -- assuming this was unintentional. This was an exceptionally useful for research for the entire dev/founder community and me personally. Would be very sad to see this sunsetted. used to return a pair of cloudflare IPs: and Requesting from these IPs now results in an "Origin DNS error" from Cloudflare.
I interpret this to mean that there is another record missing, as well: whatever the origin was set to.
What group holds a negative opinion of Hacker News?
Whenever I hear others mention this site, the sentiment is generally positive with some lamenting a moderate decline in discussion quality because of more mainstream participation, but still putting it above other discussion forums.
You can find a few of the negative comments by searching for "the orange site" which is the term the detractors of HackerNews use for the website. They are not completely wrong in my opinion. I've seen comment threads get so derailed here and end up defending truly awful things. For example, a couple of years ago there was a thread about a new custom genetic therapy for children with a certain genetic condition that causes their bodies to eventually shut down (forgot the name, but it's a condition that disproportionally affects a certain group of Jewish people). It didn't take long for a significant part of the thread to become people advocating for eugenics.
Just to clarify: I still participate here because I believe this website and the discussions within it are valuable, but I do recognise that it can be quite problematic sometimes and moderation is not always sufficient (you can make the case for this being the case for all public discourse platforms).
I was curious about this one. Seems like Asahi linux has some beef with HN. They initially included a banner on the top of the page. Then that changed to a redirect to google. Looks like some other site did something similar but redirected to something less innocent. In response dang had those on a list that added norefferer, which that mutated into adding it to all links.
Some people have strong opinions about HN. There was a blog post which reached the front page on HN <>, and the blog post author immediately added a large box on top of the blog post:
there are a lot of groups, and individuals, that attempt to cause chaos and disenchantment with sites that differ from thier worldview, even going as far as stalking individual users with malignant actions.
Going to assume some YC affiliated person has been declared 'problematic'/'cancelled' on Twitter, and parent commenter thinks it's a bigger deal than it is in reality.
Sorry about that, everyone!