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This is such a weird market. Most embedded devices are purchased by randos who don't know what they're getting themselves into.

By contrast, security cameras are disproportionately purchased by, I'm guessing, security professionals. Often the security staff at large corporations that are buying cameras in volume. If there was any camera that was otherwise competitive and had mainline kernel drivers and open source firmware, would anybody even buy anything else?

Do the manufacturers not realize this?

The camera manufacturers don't make the silicon and the silicon makers don't care about any specific camera manufacturer.

Not even Google can get Qualcomm to upstream their drivers. Let that sink in. And it's not because of confidential IP, because many of the drivers are already open source.

Silicon vendors could save a lot of time by mainlining their code rather than having hundreds of forks of every library. Security would dramatically improve. OEMs could update their products.

Maybe it will take legislation or a special interpretation of the 2021 executive order on cyber security [1] to force silicon vendors to take this seriously.

[1] https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-action...

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